
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker boarding toronto havanese (356)


Swimming Havanese Katsura

Well, now that this heat business is waning down, the Fiona and I can watch the crew and be in the same place as that swimming boy Havanese called, Kat.

Just thought I would share his jump in the pool today.

Such a RUFF life that boy dawg has!! Now to get our visitors swimming.

Treasure has an oil treatment on so the pool is out for HER seeing she just about wrecked her hair with all this playing business. Oh well - to be a dawg first is important!


Thunderstorms/Rain/Play Havanese

Well, Nathan took a walk with the boy to calm him down. We are still in huge distraction mode with Fiona and Kat. Nathan thought that it would be a great way to help Kat calm down. Anyone who purposely has a gal in heat and an intact boy is NUTS unless you breed them. Okay - we are off our rockers but in a good way, I hope.

So, off to the bank on a long walk Nathan and Kat went but then it started raining - drizzling, then raining harder then downright pouring with wind and lightening and loud, loud thunder.

If Kat looked like this - can you imagine Nathan? ROFL.

So, Nathan gets back. I am sitting out with the crew under the gazebo in the back yard as Whitney, our golden is afraid of storms and I try to get her to do her business when in this state outside or we will have an accident inside. So, picture me with all the dogs other than Wasabi who was feeding the pups and Kat who just got back with Nathan drenched. Nathan goes up to change. I call him on the phone (yes from outside) to tell him get out here now as the gazebo is going to come down. He comes running out and we proceed to take down the gazebo and he's drenched yet again. The man can't win.

It was a rip roaring - interesting time but now we are inside and the dawgs do have to play. So, on the floor that was just toweled off Nathan did go playing up a storm with the crew.

What's happening with the rain? It's stopped. Go figure but no pool today. We already got wet enough!


Heat Again and Again: Is it OVER?

Okay - it was another sunny day so what did you expect?

Can I come to swim, Daddy? Wasabi always liked swimming but lately she just can't seem to get enough. Maybe it's her desire to cool off or just her time or it's missing time with the pack but we give her balance. We make sure she does get that 'me' time.

We are still dealing with Fiona in heat. What does that mean? Well, it means a barking boy or a whiney boy. It's not for the faint of heart but it does get better when she is no longer in heat.

To make matters worse, she teases him. I gave her a bath in hopes she would smell different. Silly me. Okay - she needed a bath so that's why I did it...hehehehe

Well, Missy goes home tonight and we will miss that gazelle. She jumps tall buildings in a single bound. Then Sunday we get to see the Zack and Coco. We are excited.

PS: You can always click on the photos to see a larger view on all of our pages.

Off to update Talemaker Puppy Life where we update you on the pups...


Havanese Heat: What's THAT

It's tough being a guy in a sea of gals. When a gal goes into heat and is not getting mated to our boy, well he has to be kept separate. That means at bedtime and all throughout the day.

It doesn't sound fun but we rotate who is where so everyone gets time with everyone except Kat and the female in heat.

How long does this last? Oh..about 3 weeks. You got it - and Fiona is the gal in heat this time and it's not over till the 15th - another week.

As you can see, Kat's not overly pleased but he does get his walks - playing and all sorts of fun. We make sure he gets time with everyone except Fiona. Bonus - Wasabi doesn't mind him being in with her and the pups so it all works.

To make matters worse, Fiona teases Kat each time I have her up on something or I am carrying her from one place to another when Kat needs to be rotated.

This is her saying - I am up here..hehehehehe

It's okay, it will be over soon.

Well, Remy just had his bath and I had to be creative getting him to calm down on the table. He just wanted to get going and when he did, well he went from handsome lad to messy lad. Not dirty - just shake and run and have all sorts of fun.

Remy goes home tonight and then we will be down to Missy till Friday then Zack and Coco come. We heard they got new hairdos. Can't wait to check them out. I hear it's going to be easier to take care of and that's great especially for an active family like they belong to.

Well - tonight we promised pics of the pups all individual. Will get to that much later tonight. Between walks and play and grooming and baths - and weighing pups - and cuddle time and..where did that day go?

Now it's raining..oh well walks done just in time...


Wet & Dirt

Oh my - and one wonders why I give baths before the guests go home. Well, I do groom them daily but as you can see, they will go in the pool, run through the garden and look - well another colour. One wonders why we don't have carpets.

It is a HOLIDAY you know for the dawgs!

Well, Remy goes home tomorrow night and we will just be down to Missy as our guest til Friday night. Each time someone goes home, the house changes. Then the pack gets back to being their usual and then it starts again. It's great socialization for the guests and for the pack as well. Even the most hesitant dog seems to find him/herself. I rather like that!


Kat's First Show & Treasure a Seasoned Special Gal

Some of you may remember that when Kat was a youngster, a visiting dog bit off his top knot so he had a Joe Dirt look for way too long. Top hair grows slow. So, unfortunately we had to wait to show him. Today he got Best of Winners on his first day so he is on his way to his championship. WE thanks Elaine Whitney for noticing this boy of ours!

Treasure got Puppy two days in this show, Best in Breed one of the days and Best of Opposites. She only showed the first and last day.

We are proud of this duo and I am rather sad that I wasn't able to see them but I did get to see Yvonne's pups from Kat and Lola and a couple really like swimming. Oh my...slide show coming.


Pool, Visitors, Havanese & More

In the morning, I always turn on the pool, get the pool cleaner going and the dawgs watch me from various spots - some on the deck, some in the pool house and some watch the pool.

It must be a curious ritual. But today we have company coming over - Yvonne and her pups, Nathan's brother (my brother-in-law) and wife to stay over. So, I might have to skim the pool too.

Nathan will be off to a dog show for the first time without me (sniff) but someone has to watch the pups - so that's me. I am hoping he talks someone into taking a photo or two for me especially after they are groomed again.

It's going to be a strange day for me.


Fun the Havanese Way

We had 3 visitors over - 1 went home and the trio was having a rowdy amount of fun play every single minute they could. It's fun to watch.

I don't care how timid a dog is - they manage to just let loose and have fun and that's what makes us happy.

Oreo went home today and we will miss him.

We are starting to get back to what some call normalcy after pups are born and it feels much better.

No swimming today with thunderstorms coming but hoping tomorrow is the day. Instead we played retrieve, find the treat and took turns being groomed. Run-like-hell is the norm with this crew. It's great watching this crew. Plus our gang just adores the extra fun - us too!

If interested in the puppies, check out Talemaker Puppy Life.


Sleeping Arrangements at Talemaker

We are an equal opportunity family at Talemaker and tonight it is the mom that is staying up to watch Wasabi and the pups. Human Dad has been doing it.

We are updating this at this ungodly hour as who knows what will happen tomorrow when I crash. But now this human is okay and enjoying my time with Wasabi and the pups.

Kat's in bed with the human Daddy. To say the poor guy was overtired would be an understatement - not Kat - but the human Dad. We hope he is catching the zzz's and dreaming of great things.

We also have Remy, Oreo and Teddy here doing the rumble house together. Remy's parents never left him before and was afraid of how he would do and he's the boss over the other 2 - not in a bad way but more like the leader in the pack. It took him less than a half hour to start playing hard and the other 2 love him. Treasure's saying - well what is this - guys week or what?

Here's to health - great sleep and puppy breath. May you experience it all!


Checking Out the Rain

Just because we have puppies the crew isn't forgotten. They still get their exercise, loves, cuddles, brushing and games. Even at bedtime we have one on one with each. As a mom and dad of 7 kids, we realize how important it is to make sure everyone counts - visitors included.

Th red one in the picture is Teddy - a Havapoo and the grey one is a Havanese called Oreo that turned various shades of grey instead of the black and white it started out as. This is a Kat/Lola pup. I am interested to see if any of the Wasabi/Kat pups turn similar.

Then of course the one nuzzling the statue is our Treasured one. This trio is having a roaring grand time rolling around as pups usually do. It's exciting to have such activity.

Our two sons have pitched in to help with play/walks and watching pups while we do mundane things like showers. one has to do THAT...

Oh..and there is that grooming thing. I have worked my way through half of them today. I will get the rest this afternoon. Even our visitors - after the first time now wait their turn. The trick..the treat at the end. :-)

PS: Puppy Saga is going on at Talemaker Puppy Life.


Picnic - Wasabi & More

The picnic was a blast and we at Talemaker want to say to Yvonne, Alex, Rita and Willard bravo - we will have ours in August and to all those that brought food, helped out and had great conversation with - well we enjoyed it.

I suspected Wasabi was in early stages of labour. I was right. In the car she started pushing. Her labour was not hard but she wasn't pushing all that hard. Last time was a c-section so this was new to her. It was great that she went natural.

Follow us at Talemaker Puppy Life as we continue this saga. We will be updating it with pix shortly and telling you about puppies and how life changes with them.

WE are tired but enjoying those dogs that are with us and the pups and making the most of living and loving the dogs despite the lack of sleep and food but hey I can use less of THAT...

Hope you enjoy the picnic pics. It took all day as I had to edit each to reduce the size but otherwise I did nothing to them.

Check out the picnic slideshow. We hope you enjoy!


Back From Picnic

Stay tuned for a report tomorrow with pix (Yvonne's pups) and all the rest - and maybe something about Wasabi...

In the meanwhile - Lillian broke her foot and sprained the other and still came.
I hear that Sylvie is now grooming Lexi. Will we see pics?


Double Trouble

Can it happen twice? What do you mean?

When gals are intact, they come into heat usually every 5 or 6 months. Well, not Fiona - she's back in heat after 2 months.

What timing. See what you are missing? NOT!

It is what it is....

Wasabi is still in waiting... I am hoping for Sunday morning after much rest. ROFL

Again... It is what it is!

We will be posting everything puppies when they come on the puppy area at.....Talemaker Puppy Life

Just know - we are waiting too!


Swimming Observation of the Havanese

In watching Risa, I realized that she uses her tail as a rudder.

I am not sure why I didn't notice it before but Kat does the same thing.

Not all the Havanese do this but those that do tend to glide in the water as if they were meant to be in it.

Risa is on a mission to lose weight so she now has a daily ritual of swimming in the pool and now that her hair is shorter - still love long hair but short isn't so bad - well I can get Nathan to brusha - brusha - brush!

One thing I notice about the dawgs is all of them have a grand time and you can see them smile.

It's hard to explain but if you look at the photos - you can see Shoshi smiling and I have another of Kat doing the same.

They also love our dawgs and visitors alike the game of running around the pool to bark and get excited to watch Kat jump in and it is a game. All Nathan has to do is put his glasses down and they come running and Kat jumps in.

It's never a dull moment and we love it!


Wet Havanese Equals Fun

Today was a hot, hot day that hasn't started to cool down yet. We decided to pool it and the human mom will work tonight. This is how we survive - heh

Treasure, Kat, Shoshi, Fiona and Risa all went into the pool today.

If you haven't taken your Havanese swimming yet - well it sort of gets them in high drive - the wet skin and all.

Treasure was running around like a banshee up and down chairs and all around.

You can click on the photos to see a larger version, if you want.

She's not the only one that loves the wet and now that Risa and Shoshi has a haircut, well the human mom can ask the human dad to brush away and it only takes him minutes.

The mom still had to dry Kat, Fiona and partially dry Treasure but cutting out two sure saved me time. These short haircuts are nice...heh

Wasabi also hung out at the pool and did her usual snoozing. Check it out here. When will she deliver? We are taking bets....heh

After the pool was done, we pressure washed the deck now that all the weeds are gone - well gone around the pool.

We still have to weed the rest of the yard but we aren't looking if you aren't.

We are getting excited about having new little ones here. We haven't had any for a long time.

We had much to get ready but now it's all done. Even the video camera is charged.


HairCUTS: Havanese Stylin'

Shoshi was hanging out in the backyard pondering the meaning of what Mommy said about it's haircut day.

What does that mean, Mommy?

Well Daddy took Shoshi and Risa downtown to Val's while Sylvie watched how she cut the duo. This way Sylvie gets to watch 2 Havanese get cut. Sylvie is feeding her passion - learning how to groom. Our dawgs get cuts - so win/win.

I am a fan of long hair but Shoshi and Risa have thick hair. Shoshi's being cottony and Risa's silky but way profuse so we decided to cut them down.

I brush out everyone daily and this will actually help me in my grooming load. Is that why I did it? Partially but not really. I know that doesn't make sense. I like long hair - what can I say but the thickness of their hair mixed in with swimming made the decision easier. This way they can swim, shake off and I can do minimum brush out and all that hair won't weigh down Risa.

When Shoshi came home, I tried to get a photo of her and all she would do is shake her body, rub it and roll around like a banshee.

It's a tad hard to get a photo like that but as you can see, I captured her in action.

Treasure just stared at her like she lost her mind.
Oh Shoshi, can't I see how you look?

Yes, Mommy - okay - Val and Sylvie did a fine job. I have less hair. I actually look smaller though I could lose a bit..tsk tsk but as Daddy would say - it's all muscle - really it is!

Risa was a bit more accommodating letting me capture her new look before she rolled into Daddy's office and found a cool spot on the floor.

Risa really needs to lose weight but now that I see her without her hair, I realize Daddy is doing a great job getting her back to her svelte self before kids.

All of you that have had kids - especially multiples know how tough that is but we try and now without that hair, pool exercise is in the cards daily as long as the weather cooperates.

Are you cutting your Havanese down for the summer?


Hava-Dad Daze

Well, to all you Havanese Dads - a wonderful Father's Day. We had the daughter and grand daughters come up early and we took a walk to the park. A man in front of us had a white shepherd that he couldn't control - jumping on him and trying to get at us. We kept our distance.

Can I say - get that dog in obedience class please....

Well our grand daughter Danielle was throwing a ball and Treasure took off on a mad dash to get it.

The dogs ran after her but couldn't catch up. It was getting hot and only the crazy Kat and Treasure seem to keep on going despite the weather so you have to control it.

We recently saw a dog at a dog show that was getting sick from the heat. It happens - so we are really aware. Please note that we are in for a heat wave this week in Toronto. If you do not have air - I have some tips on how to keep your have cool - just ask if you are not aware of how to accomplish this for you and your Havanese.

She just loves being at the park. It usually takes us 10 minutes to get to the park where they run their little legs off and just enjoy the outdoors but she's not the only one.

Kat, Abigail and Fiona just played their hearts out too. It was great to watch. When it gets cooler, we will get the crew out again.

Our Father's day was a good one. The weeds around the pool are halfway out. Shhh..if you saw some of our photos some were a foot high - oh my...okay we have better things to do but I know - it's about time.

Our son who is heading to Iraq is home on furlough and his wife - our daughter-in-law is graduating this coming Sunday. Then we have Wasabi due anytime and oh my - so many moments to create.

We have exciting times ahead...and we hope you do too... Give your Hav a hug and treasure that dad of yours.


Oh That Snuggle Love

Shoshi is a heart dog. What does that mean? She managed to capture our hearts the first time we laid eyes on her. It's crazy - these emotions but we still love her as deeply even after adding a number of playmates for her.

More than one doesn't mean divided love. We know that well with 7 kids - now grown up. We love them all.

Our oldest daughter is going to be x tomorrow - well shhh we won't tell you how old but the moment I set eyes on her - well she captured my heart and as each one came - they did the same. You end up going crazy with somethings they do and loving them for them being unique.

Each Havanese also have unique personalities - similar in some ways - different in others.

They are amazing - truly and we love them!


Kat: Handling Class

Kat's just started going to handling class. He's not ready for the show yet but we may take him soon anyway and use it as show conditioning. He self stacks himself but he's had a few large dogs growling at him in class so he tends to care what is behind him. That's okay - he will finally figure it all out and be great at this.

Kat had a dog pull out his head hair so he has had to be patient for his turn as his hair grew back.

The point of this is to let you know if you drop the ball doing conditioning with lots of dogs in close proximity, you may get a reaction. It's not the end of the world. It changes the more you do it.

With a number of our dogs finishing their championship this year, Kat wasn't the focus. He got out to the park, on walks, swimming - all the great things you do with a pet but he didn't get his fair share of handling class as there was always a show that someone else needed the time slot. Now it's his and Treasure's turn.

We can only handle 2 dogs in a class at once.

Will he pull it together and do well? We believe so. How do we know? We know our dogs well. Kat is special.


Wake Up Havanese Blues

If you look real close you can see Kat's reflection in the pool. Click on the photo to see a larger view.

As you can tell, he's been having fun in the pool. You don't have to coax him in - it's the other way around - getting the Daddy to come in.

Last night I played a fun game with Abigail and she adored it. Okay, I know when you go to bed - you should go to bed - no TV - no distractions or you are asking for a sleep that is anything less than satisfying but I can't help myself. So, when Abigail was laying next to me, I blew at her head and she started twisting and turning then coming back for more. She loved it. Treasure tried to get the focus on her and Fiona was miffed but we played and played til Daddy started playing with her in the same fashion then he watched TV (in our room - I know) and I went to sleep.

At 4am Treasure decided it was time to get up and play. Lord knows she had enough exercise for even the most fit to feel tired but nope - let's get up, Mommy so I said NO and rolled over - put the sheet over my head as she tends to lick your face and she laid down. I said - hmm okay this is good though once I am up, I am up. But 10 minutes later she did it again and then 5 minutes later so off we went downstairs. Nathan came too - usually it's just me and he went back to bed and here I am deader than a door nail typing and the crew is sleeping on the floor.

I think the Treasure should play retrieve before bed tonight and wear herself down even more and she needs to know 4am is NOT it. Why this happened last night - I haven't a clue but we will be doing everything to make sure it doesn't tonight.

Maybe it was my silly game with Abigail that set the stage for her wanting to get up sooner or bad!