Thunderstorms/Rain/Play Havanese

Well, Nathan took a walk with the boy to calm him down. We are still in huge distraction mode with Fiona and Kat. Nathan thought that it would be a great way to help Kat calm down. Anyone who purposely has a gal in heat and an intact boy is NUTS unless you breed them. Okay - we are off our rockers but in a good way, I hope.
So, off to the bank on a long walk Nathan and Kat went but then it started raining - drizzling, then raining harder then downright pouring with wind and lightening and loud, loud thunder.
If Kat looked like this - can you imagine Nathan? ROFL.
So, Nathan gets back. I am sitting out with the crew under the gazebo in the back yard as Whitney, our golden is afraid of storms and I try to get her to do her business when in this state outside or we will have an accident inside. So, picture me with all the dogs other than Wasabi who was feeding the pups and Kat who just got back with Nathan drenched. Nathan goes up to change. I call him on the phone (yes from outside) to tell him get out here now as the gazebo is going to come down. He comes running out and we proceed to take down the gazebo and he's drenched yet again. The man can't win.
It was a rip roaring - interesting time but now we are inside and the dawgs do have to play. So, on the floor that was just toweled off Nathan did go playing up a storm with the crew.
What's happening with the rain? It's stopped. Go figure but no pool today. We already got wet enough!
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