Almost Over Folks

Fiona spent a leisurely day outside and inside lounging around. She's an entirely different gal in heat - clingy - lovey - well she's lovey but not clingy which is often the case when hormones are raging.
Today we have Zack and Coco visiting till next Sunday and Louis coming on Friday for 2 weeks. We thought we would get swimming in today but no go. Fiona is still very much in heat. Poor Kat can't handle it and I know you are sick of hearing it but this is what it is like when you have a male not fixed and a female not fixed. It's loony tunes time - or is the saying loony bin times?
We found a solution so Nathan and I could both be outside but it means Fiona is in the house or Kat is in the crate outside. Yep - we brought a crate outside and if covered, he calms down most times and rests - which he sorely needs.
According to my calendar, sanity clicks in on Wednesday or Thursday. Then - it is till the next time...straight jacket for me or the dawg...I don't know.
But we still love them even when they lose their brains.
As you can see, I was playing with the monochrome. Risa - when I did her - it was hard to tell the difference between monochrome and colour. heh
This monochrome photo is Nathan doing the crate walk. Kat actually finds it comforting at times like this. It's something to think about when you are training your dog. They should be comfie in a crate in case they ever need medical care. We rarely use them closed but when we do, our dogs find comfort in them by sleeping in one when left open always etc.
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