
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in handling class havanese (20)


Kat: Handling Class

Kat's just started going to handling class. He's not ready for the show yet but we may take him soon anyway and use it as show conditioning. He self stacks himself but he's had a few large dogs growling at him in class so he tends to care what is behind him. That's okay - he will finally figure it all out and be great at this.

Kat had a dog pull out his head hair so he has had to be patient for his turn as his hair grew back.

The point of this is to let you know if you drop the ball doing conditioning with lots of dogs in close proximity, you may get a reaction. It's not the end of the world. It changes the more you do it.

With a number of our dogs finishing their championship this year, Kat wasn't the focus. He got out to the park, on walks, swimming - all the great things you do with a pet but he didn't get his fair share of handling class as there was always a show that someone else needed the time slot. Now it's his and Treasure's turn.

We can only handle 2 dogs in a class at once.

Will he pull it together and do well? We believe so. How do we know? We know our dogs well. Kat is special.


Running in Step Havanese

Last night we had Treasure and Katsura at handling class and no one was there yet so we let them off lead to have a run. You can't do this unless you have an excellent recall. Both of these dogs have done the Total Recall class and we reinforce their recall always. That doesn't mean if something totally distracts them that they will listen to you immediate but it's pretty darn close.

That means Nathan stands on one end - me the other just to have that level of voice barrier and still with excellent recall, you let them off far from the street. We simply don't take chances.

Last night the duo was rip roaring around chasing each other and Treasure loves the game especially with Kat but she also has learned to cut him off and he seems to enjoy that she figured that one out. If you look at the photo, they are perfectly in sync with each other. It's a delight to watch them.

If you are not already doing so, do follow Wasabi's pregnancy through to her puppies going to their homes. Her tummy is ever growing and you can now feel puppy bumps.


Meeting of the Noses

You meet all sorts of friendly faces at all sorts of places. Here, Treasure was touching noses with a Beardie. This is a correct meet and greet and if you notice, both were ever so relaxed.

Treasure and Abigail was at handling class and tomorrow it will be Fiona and Abigail's turn.

It gives them practice but it also gets them out and about.

We have a busy week - and a show this weekend.

Then we wait and find out if the Wasabi is pregnant and with all the ties, I would be very surprised if she wasn't. But we won't know till the very end of the month so stay tuned...

Kat and Lola puppies will be making their debut any day now. We can't wait!

Tomorrow....rain...sigh or so they say...


Handling Class: Socialization

When you go to handling classes, you meet all sorts of dogs, from big to large to SUPER large. It's a great way to socialize and slow condition your dog to all sort of breeds.

It takes time to do classes with your dogs but it can be ever so rewarding. It doesn't matter what type of class - from obedience to tricks, to agility to handling - it's all fun but you do have to practice in between.

Today, I did day 2 of exercise, planted plants in the rain and the dogs got muddy and wet. Then had a backup and cleaned out the laundry room - wow - huge mess then handling class and oh yeah I did lots of work too. I know Fiona has knots from today so guess what I am doing next...sigh --- and that bed is calling me - and you?


Havanese in Handling Class

We are in for a long weekend with a ton of fun and Yvonne and Alex are coming down to help. What amazing friends we have!

Last night we had Kat and Treasure in handling class and tonight we have just Treasure as she has a show coming up and this class is so far away but it is worth it. It's a large class with a ton of dogs but it is called conditioning and socialization.

You don't have to be a show dog to kick it up a notch and get your little one exposed to various sounds, sights etc. The more you expose in a positive way, the more your dog ends up being balanced. Even the most shy dog can make improvements by being diligent. It may not 'feel' that way at first but take it from us who had taken a dog that was really unbalanced and got her enjoying and playing - well we know it can happen. It's work - we know but sooooooooooo worth it and it can be incorporated into daily life and think of the new doggie friends and human friends you'll make.

Think about it!


Handling Class With Havanese: Turning Issues Into Positives

Yesterday Darlah and I got into the car with Treasure and took a drive out to Jackson’s Point. It was nice to drive by a beach and imagine the winter was finally over, but the ice that still covered a part of the surface quickly dispelled such fantasy and we continued on to Handling Class. On the way we drove past some guys working on the roof of an A frame style house. I glanced over as I was driving and almost hit the brakes. Walking at a steep angle right beside them was a Pit Bull. Darlah couldn’t get her camera out in time and I wasn’t stopping.

Handling Classes are typically hosted by Kennel Clubs and the person teaching the class is inevitably a very experienced Conformation Show Ring person, or even a Judge. Owners who attend the class believe they have a dog good enough to compete in the show ring, and most times they are correct.

Last night was challenging for Treasure and me for two reasons, or rather because of two dogs, a Border Terrier and a Miniature Schnauzer. Both were expertly handled but both had issues.

I think the Schnauzer had never before worn a leash, so every time his Handler tried to get him to walk in a direction he didn’t want to go, he let out with a shriek. The entire class froze as we looked to see who was killing whom. But in fact it was simply the dog being unused to the leash and not understanding what was happening. Regardless, throughout the class he continued to let loose with this bloodcurdling scream that had us all flinching. Eventually, even the other dogs correctly identified that there really wasn’t a murder going on and started to ignore him. His owner worked patiently to correct and teach him. It happens. But it certainly affected the atmosphere in the room.

And then there was the Border Terrier. In his case I believe that while he was used to his sister at home, he hadn’t had much exposure to other dogs yet. I must add that both of these dogs were pups, 4-6 months old. The Terrier, being a Terrier, decided that he was going to challenge the room to a fight to the death. That was his way of dealing with the stress of the unknown and all these strange canines. Again, the owner was very competent and was dealing with him as best she could, but that didn’t stop him from growling loudly and viciously at any dog that he perceived as a threat, which was anything on four legs that moved in a 100 foot radius.

Which brings us to Treasure. As we walked, the Border Terrier was right behind us. The first time it growled low and mean, Treasure stopped dead, turned and growled back just as low and mean and basically said “bring it on!” I corrected her immediately. This happened maybe a dozen more times and each time I got her to focus on me, and never mind any other dog there. In this way I was able to turn a potentially damaging class into an opportunity to educate, and to support the fact that I am in charge and when Treasure is with me, things like screaming dogs or growling dogs are not her concern because I will deal with it.

The truth is, if the owners hadn’t been so aware and on top of their dogs it wouldn’t have worked. Either they would have had to leave the class or I would have walked out because I didn’t want Treasure to have a negative experience. I already know she’s full of herself. But she also had to learn that I had this in hand and all was fine so never mind the noise and commotion. As that was exactly what happened I’ll consider last night a good learning experience, and good preparation for the show ring.



Handling Fun With Havanese

Handling can be a complicated thing. It's important that you make it fun for both you and your Havanese or they will just go through the motions and so will you. You also won't last if you are an owner/handler in that state of mind.

Sure there are tricks to get them being all they can be but how you are matters. Never go in a ring angry or upset. Leave all the negative emotions aside and just be silly but with focus and it will show.

As you improve, your dogs will improve and yes some of it is technique but some of it is you just plain relaxing and your dog knows before you when you are tense, upset or any of those negative things that irritate you.

Instead, while in handling class or at a show, focus on your dog - and just enjoy the relationship. Enter the ring to win but if you can't have fun with your Havanese, well your Havanese will never be all they can be.

Forget your woes - no matter what they are and just enjoy getting your Havanese connecting and you, your Havanese and judge is all that matters for that moment in time.

If you don't win, snuggle your Havanese and be happy that with each dance you get better and better and tomorrow is a new day.

As you can see, Treasure is in tuned with her Daddy and that's what it takes and more.

Off to handling class tonight. Treasure and all those big doggies.


Exciting Havanese Times

Well, I am off to go to that thing called handling class.

I have a busy week this week but so does Fiona. Fiona is going to handling class too tomorrow and she will be going to Total Recall class. How cool is that? We heard there are a lot of Havanese in that class too. I did the Total Recall last time so it's not my turn but I loved it. I am hoping that Fiona does too.

The crazy humans around here do not feed me on class night. Can you believe that? They say its due to how many treats I get but I could eat my dinner and the treats but they think not. ROFL

PS: We heard Jean, Kooba and Quito is coming to visit tomorrow and that's going to be way fun. We can't wait!


Changing Times at Talemaker

Treasure has this 'attitude' that she thinks she is 'all that' and it's fun to watch.

She's not all that crazy about the bathing thing but she is dealing each time better than the last.

She just had another bath today and it's Rufus' turn in a few. Yesterday, Wasabi, Abigail, Fiona and Kat had theirs.

Treasure's been going to handling class as she is debuting next month for the first time.

She gets way excited when Daddy says, "Treasure let's go to class" that she jumps all over the place hardly able to contain herself. It's really nice to see.

Today we have Rufus going home and Treasure ADORES him. She rolls all over him like no other dog and despite him being an older man, she keeps up with him and doesn't back down.

When Rufus 'off switch' doesn't go off, she growls and looks at him with eyes half open and he didn't quite get it the first time but he does now. The growl is doggie communication - leave me alone - can't you tell I really need some sleep? Have you ever done that yourself - growled at another - well not literally that you need to have the lights off and need your sleep?

Everyone needs a different amount of sleep to function properly - whatever properly is.

Treasure plays VERY hard and sleeps deep but Rufus plays very hard and until the newness went, he just didn't want to sleep. hehehehehe

Treasure is going to truly miss Rufus as he goes today. He was her boy toy. She felt like that with Marlee to but Rufus is just a tad larger and easier to roll around and hide in things with.

Well off to bathe him so she can get him dirty before he goes home - as she will certainly try and we will try to keep him clean. Wish us luck.

Gina goes tomorrow and we will be down to our own dogs till Thursday when Louis comes. Then Remy comes for an overnight visit - not Wasabi's Remy but another and the dogs will be having a grand time again and so will we.

Catch you later...


Relationships & More

In a pack, relationships can often change. I have tried to figure out what the catalyst for changed attention but haven't totally figured it out yet but I still find it mighty interesting.

Fiona and Treasure used to be best buds and now lately it's all about the Abs. If you pay attention, you see a dance of manipulation in vying for someones attention. I swear I am in grade school again or the bug in the wall watching it all unfold.

Today, Kat tried to take Shoshi's bone and years ago she would have walked away but not today. She told him off and he listened. Nothing violent - just a growl and a body move to protect and he walked away. That's 'good' communications. If I had corrected Shoshi, she would have been the dog that always had everything taken away and me trying to protect her. I do not let it escalate but communications should be allowed otherwise the dog doesn't feel as if it has any control over his environment and that can make for a very unsure dog. You have to know when to step in and when not to. There is a difference. No one attacks anyone around here but they can communicate.

Well, we are taking 3 dogs to handling class tonight - Fiona, Abigail, and Treasure. Abigail and Fiona will be where the attention is but we may take Treasure around a time or two to get her used to a ring. She'll be in the ring in April and that's sooner than we think.

More tomorrow.


Havanese Dog Days

We had something come up unexpected so this update today will be short.

When we say we really have gone to the dogs - we do. Would you wake up if a Havanese did this to you?

This is a guest (Mystery) who is going home today and I have to say she is one of the funniest dogs we ever did have here.

We will miss her!

We went to handling with Fiona and Abigail last night to get them to ignore each other in the ring. They did wonderful in that regard but we still have to practice, practice, practice but last night Fiona started self stacking - interesting! More later...

Thursday class for Treasure...


Handling Class

Can I get away with mucking up in the dirt and then having Mommy say - well you are going anyways even if I need a bath - yep Abigail. A dawg has to do what a dawg has to do.

More later on how to handle - I don't want to do anything but play.


Wild Child Fiona Goes to Class

Fiona went from swimming today to rolling all over the cement and straight to her first handling class without Abs. She went to one previously with Abs but didn't get that much time as Abs had a show.

Take a look at how it went. I was the distraction with the camera.


Owner/Handler Showing Havanese

In this photo, you can tell the difference between groomed and not groomed. Fiona, on the left is not groomed and Abigail on the right is. Nothing wrong with either - but an entirely different look.

Abigail is doing shows - not getting her points but was told by the judge that she had excellent structure, beautiful hair and she is positive we will finish her fast. ha!

More to these shows than you ever want to know but we are in for the long haul.

What have I learned? Professional Handlers have the edge with many judges. It is their day job after all.

I have also learned - not just in our breed, that a dog can win that is not within the standard and that boggles me. A huge winner in another known breed just got thrown out of the World event, disqualified due to a teeth issue but yet it has huge wins elsewhere in the United States and in Canada. It was the talk of our handling class. Go figure.

I could go on but just know this is not for the weak at heart.

What positive things have I learned? I have perfected my skills at grooming. I have learned how to allow a puppy to play and find balance for the dogs. I have placed the love of my dog over my desire to win. I allow her to play and live and enjoy and what will be will be. Doesn't make it right or wrong with those that keep their dogs separate - just this is what is right for 'us.' And yes, we realize this will take longer than it would if we completelyt seperated Abigail from her best friend in life, Fiona, so that they weren't jumping on each other and playing all day long which can affect her hair. Oh well, so it will take us longer.

We did have a Professional Handler tell us they could finish her in a week or two but it would be their win and hers not ours so we will plug along and you may get bored with this insight that I am bringing to light to those that may never show or are thinking of showing.

If Abs wasn't enjoying it (she does wait at the door to go and knows when we are) well - then we would say - this is WAY crazy. Our dogs matter more than any goals we may have.

Till who knows when - we will continue to fill you in and now I am afraid I must wash Abs yet again. Two more baths over the next two days and then a real break.

PS: Heard the pups at Yvonne's house are doing ever so well. Can't wait till we can see them.

More tomorrow>>


Havanese Pool Life

There are days that we can hang out at the pool and not get wet but those days are far and few between and then it's RAINING!

Miss Abs has handling class tonight as she will be at Lindsay on July 1st - her human daddy's brother's birthday and a celebration of this fine land. We opted out of going to any of the rest at Lindsay as its during the week and work - well mommy needs to work.

Mommy is borrowing a camera tonight so she will be taking many photos at handling class. That ought to be fun and then we are heading to Walmart to get a sun shelter for some of those outdoor shows. It's not that mommy and daddy need shade but the dogs do.

Then mom gets home and needs to work again. So much work lately - building lots of home related stuff such as clutter buster and hey no article is going to help the human mom on THAT subject. But I am sure it will help some of you that are so inclined.

More later...


Another Havanese Week

It was a real feel of 32c yesterday with a saturation of 60% humidity. Last night the dawgs thought they had melted and so did we. We were in wait for a hail storm that never came with high winds. It must have been close as our retriever was starting to pace and she can feel a storm coming on.

Here's a photo of Abs trying to get Fiona to play. She would have none of it when it was so hot.

Tonight we have handling class and we are praying for rain. Why? Well class is outside and poor Abs - well the bleepin' dandelions are up to her neck and the mosquitoes will eat you alive. I think we have vampire versions and not the nice 'Moonlighting' kind. They suck you dry and leave you with many welts. I can't imagine what it does to the dogs.

Well, this is the last week of obedience. We heard from a friend that her dog, a regular visitor to our home, got attacked by an untrained german shepherd. I am not posting names unless she wants me to but her dog was on a leash doing its business and that dog wasn't. Many, many stitches later - she is nursing her back to health physically and mentally. The mindset is the tough one for owner and dawg as the owner has to get past it so the dawg can. Our dawgs feed off our emotion.

We had a bichon almost attack Shoshi once when the owner told us it was friendly and to this day, Shoshi recognizes the breed - and reacts and what is interesting she doesn't react to all white dogs - only bichons so they are intelligent enough to dicipher breeds. I find that interesting. Still, her reaction now is only a bark. We did take her to a bichon event where she was surrounded by 60 bichons to help her get past it and it did help but slow conditioning takes time and persistence. We wish this precious one a fast recovery in body and mind.

Wasabi and Risa puppy owners - fill us in on how you are doing. We love to hear. Is the summer ever going to come?

We will be at Richmond Green this weekend showing off our Havanese. Nathan and Abigail will be in the ring doing their thing. If you want to come to watch, email me and I will give you the details at

Want to see grown men brought down to their knees or backs or...check this out.

More later.>>


Is It Over? Havanese Show Days

Well, they said I (Daddy and I) got these things called points today. The judge said she liked my hair - all natural and all and my top line. What the hey is a top line or points or - is this show business done?

Oh well, they say tomorrow I do it again. Mommy - if you wake me up at 4am again....well, I may revolt.

I celebrated with Dairy Queen ice cream. I wanted filet mignon and they give me and themselves ICE CREAM. What is that about?
Well, daddy is out on the lounge chair chillin and reading. Yvonne is snoozing on the recliner and my mommy (human) is typing here. Me - I am playing my fool head off as a puppy should.

Daddy will fill you in later.>>


Rain, Dandelions & Handling Class

We were at handling class and it was spitting rain, cold and dandelions up so high and grass as well that - well they say a dog has to get used to it as they don't always mow the grounds on outside shows. Fun. Check out a few of the photos from tonight.

Handling class tomorrow - obedience Thursday and then show time. So much to do...


Brr It's a Havanese Dog Day

It's cold. It's a holiday here in Canada and the Havanese don't even want to go out. What's mother nature trying to tell us?

Well, take advantage of it and train the dogs - making it a fun game then curl up on the couch and pretend the world doesn't exist. HA - Then come back to the land of the living TOMORROW.

We are off to cover the plants - do a run like hell game with the dogs and curl up with a blanket in front of the TV.

Well, 4 days till dog shows and we have handling, obedience and much to do even for this person here who isn't showing. I am the fluff and dry and make boo-ti-full lady.

More tomorrow!


Training Your Havanese & Having Fun

In handling class, we often have to resort to any method to get where we want to go. hahahaha

Well, not really but doesn't Nathan look like he is praying for better times? He actually had a good class last night other than Abs losing interest. It's just too late for her after a full day of playing with the crew and she does play hard.

Tonight, Zack gets his stitches snipped, gets bathed and goes to class with his new owner. I am also going to take him through the paces before he goes and may stay home just so I am not a distraction. Coach's dad John knows I can be...although I do try not to but hey that boisterous happy upbeat voice sure gets them focused on you.

Zack no longer gets up at the crack of dawn with me but stays in bed snoozing till Nathan gets up. Now, Shoshi, Katsuro, Abs and Fiona join me lately consistently.

Check out a few of the photos from handling class last night. Hopefully, if you are interested in showing your dog and haven't taken the plunge, this will inspire you to realize - you too can do it and have fun doing it as well! Fun is the key!