Relationships & More

In a pack, relationships can often change. I have tried to figure out what the catalyst for changed attention but haven't totally figured it out yet but I still find it mighty interesting.
Fiona and Treasure used to be best buds and now lately it's all about the Abs. If you pay attention, you see a dance of manipulation in vying for someones attention. I swear I am in grade school again or the bug in the wall watching it all unfold.
Today, Kat tried to take Shoshi's bone and years ago she would have walked away but not today. She told him off and he listened. Nothing violent - just a growl and a body move to protect and he walked away. That's 'good' communications. If I had corrected Shoshi, she would have been the dog that always had everything taken away and me trying to protect her. I do not let it escalate but communications should be allowed otherwise the dog doesn't feel as if it has any control over his environment and that can make for a very unsure dog. You have to know when to step in and when not to. There is a difference. No one attacks anyone around here but they can communicate.
Well, we are taking 3 dogs to handling class tonight - Fiona, Abigail, and Treasure. Abigail and Fiona will be where the attention is but we may take Treasure around a time or two to get her used to a ring. She'll be in the ring in April and that's sooner than we think.
More tomorrow.
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