Conformation: Is it Easy?

When you go to a conformation show, from the outside in it looks easy. But is it? Thinking about teaching your dog to walk next to you. Does it do it from the moment you acquire your pup or do you have to train it to heel? What if you had to teach it to stack a certain way or keep that tail up or find how to get a bounce in your dog's step when it would rather be playing.
Then throw in the mix that your dog is unfamiliar with strange noises, lots of dogs, a guy or gal (judge) going all over their body and getting up close and personal. How would YOU like someone doing THAT to you?
Can you imagine being a dog and looking at what a conformation show is from their perspective? I often thought about it. Have you?
If you get into that mindset at your next show - fill me in on what YOU think the dogs are thinking.
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