
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker's Zack (8)


Havanese Dog Play or Aggressiveness?

This is Abigail and Zack. Zack and Coco was visiting tonight and Zack decided to swim.

Anyone who has had a Havanese wet knows that they get really excited and full of it when wet. One wonders why.

Do you think Abigail is getting ready to chomp down on Zack or tell him off or is this play?

It's hard to figure out when you don't know the players but it's indeed fun play. It's also why Abigail's hair won't grow as she believes in full body contact play - all in the name of fun and the boys - well they love it!


Dog Shows Are Ruff

Well, here I am hanging out in the car as someone sabotaged our tent last night. Yes, you got that right - they cut the cords, stole our tarps and damaged it beyond repair. How nice of someone. I was rather fond of it too as it allowed us extra shade in the backyard and human mommy loves the shade rather than the sun like human daddy. The tent was brand new and I gather we will have to buy another and could use not having to.

Then today, in the ring for Best in Breed, with one other dog, one of the top Havanese in Canada, handled by a professional, they started to run right in front of me and everyone knows we don't run like that in the ring but I thought he was playing the run-like-hell game that I love and I started to run too. Daddy couldn't get me to walk properly after that. People do the darnedest things to win but I guess I should feel good that this handler thought I was competition. One day, soon, I will be. Look behind you, buddy. I'm coming.

On our return home, we stopped at the new Pet Supply House location in Guelph and got a new brush or two. Mommy is always looking for that ultimate brush and she rather likes the ones she got so far. Someone held me and I snuggled with her as I am a dog that can tell when someone likes me. She just adored how soft I was and mommy does too as she is really finding that perfect combo of clarifier, shampoo/conditioner etc that make me look good. It's been a ruff road but she has finally arrived at what is right for me.

Well, I got lots of ribbons today but the only thing I care about is that I have no baths for a bit and I can play my heart out. Coach and Sassy is coming over to play and we will have photos tomorrow. Sebastian is going to his new home tomorrow and he gets to hang out with his siblings tonight. Then we get him back after his transition while his family goes on holidays and he gets to go to Rita's Havanese get together in August. Fun!

Soon we will have Remy sleeping over and Zack and Coco. talk about a Havanese love fest and with no shows it will be relaxing and enjoying life time. Can't wait.

Oh my tons of barking as Coach and Sassy just arrived. Off to have fun!

PS: Saturday we get to see Kat and Lola's pups - can't wait!!


Show, Last Night & Today Havanese Style

We do not have time but will later. We have a show to get ready for, work and the update will come today - later.

We will try to get a slide show of last night's obedience class and tell you how Zack slid into home run to win. Gad - where is the video camera when you need one.

Let's not forget Coach who really improved amazingly since that first night - wow!

For now, enjoy Fiona in class last night so in tuned to Nathan or was that the treat or both?

She was a complete circus clown last night but she wouldn't be her otherwise.


Havanese Crew Grads

Well from left to right, Coach, Fiona and Zack all graduated from obedience. Way to go.

Much fun was to be had with fun and games that I will fill you in on tomorrow.

Be sure to click here for our latest video. We had some real fun with it.

Show time tomorrow!

Look for more info on all of it then!

Catching some serious zzzzzzzs now - I hope!


Abs Gets Washed & Class Update

Something about the Abs. She has a real zest for life. I finished blow drying her to get her ready for a show tomorrow when in reality, I should have just got up at 4am and washed her then.

Here she is 5 minutes after getting off the table and her face is wet. She's smooshed her head into her bed and chased Katsuro around and almost caught his back end. They run SO fast. Here's for cleaning her up early tomorrow and learning my lesson. Oh - she's not bad but this is only 5 minutes past the time of being done. hehehe

Nathan just got in with Fiona and he says everyone did really well in class. Teddy wasn't there this week as she is in a trial, I believe with one of her dogs but we will all see her next week.

It does my heart good to hear how the dogs are doing.

More tomorrow!


Zack's Hairy Day

Here I am trying to get Zack's hair in a ponytail on top. He was letting me do it but I doubt it was the highlight of his day. Then Abigail and him decided to help me out in the garden and I had a sedction that had mud and they both stuck their face in it as I had sticks over the mud. I must have been tired as it didn't dawn on me that mud and sticks together is too delicious for a dog to resist. Oh well, tomorrow I will freshen up his face and he will be as good as new when his new mom comes to get him.

Tonight he is in class and I am at home awaiting to hear how it goes. I even gave Nathan and Ramona hot dogs to woo the duo if they need it. I did practice but there wasn't enough time to take Ramona through the commands so I am hoping Teddy - our instructor at Who's Walking Who in Ajax keeps it going on with her sense of humour. I did teach Zack leave it in 5 minutes. I was impressed. Actually 2nd correction and he left it consistently till I released him. He's way smart.

I wanted photos but those will come the last class, which I wouldn't miss.

Coach gets the snip and Sassy gets to stay overnight. We can't wait. Then on Saturday we visit Yvonne and hopefully miss traffic.

Now to do some work and get some paperwork done.


Training Your Havanese & Having Fun

In handling class, we often have to resort to any method to get where we want to go. hahahaha

Well, not really but doesn't Nathan look like he is praying for better times? He actually had a good class last night other than Abs losing interest. It's just too late for her after a full day of playing with the crew and she does play hard.

Tonight, Zack gets his stitches snipped, gets bathed and goes to class with his new owner. I am also going to take him through the paces before he goes and may stay home just so I am not a distraction. Coach's dad John knows I can be...although I do try not to but hey that boisterous happy upbeat voice sure gets them focused on you.

Zack no longer gets up at the crack of dawn with me but stays in bed snoozing till Nathan gets up. Now, Shoshi, Katsuro, Abs and Fiona join me lately consistently.

Check out a few of the photos from handling class last night. Hopefully, if you are interested in showing your dog and haven't taken the plunge, this will inspire you to realize - you too can do it and have fun doing it as well! Fun is the key!


Havanese Need Friendships

Well, I thought I would put hair ties on the duo and it lasted - oh about 5 seconds. Between Fiona scrunching her head into anything to get it off and Miss Abs playing rambunctious - well it was short lived. We will try again.

There's a lot of theory about the evolution of play, physical, social, cognitive development of the brain. In play, your Havanese learns social etiquette, to play fairly, to meet and greet properly, to respect the space of someone that wants their space, and it trains them for the unexpected such as another dog being uncomfortable and perhaps snapping or growling. Often its not a sign of aggression when a dog barks or snaps but rather - I am uncomfortable - how will I deal.

Play is so very important. It's a very complex serious activity with your Havanese. It could even be the foundation for your dawgs moral decisions. Consider play dates with positive resources. It will help your dog be a better well rounded and balanced Havanese.

Let's talk about Miss Abs. When we first got her, we were going through not socializing until we had all our shots and although she has a built in group to learn from, it's different when the dogs are various sizes and they don't get to know them. On her first handling class, she laid on the floor and said forget about this. She had already gone through an obedience class so one would have thought - why now - she's too old for this but not really. Much happens in that first year that lays the base for the rest. One would assume she was skittish and not ready for such an event but instead of saying - poor thing - we started taking her to Petsmart and to Home Depot daily in that next week. It made a HUGE difference. She met and greeted many dogs and although she didn't play with them, it was a controlled environment and got her slowly conditioned to being close to dogs and people of all sizes.

Last night as she has done since her first week in handling class where she laid down in revolt or was that uncomfortability, she wags her tail - greets the Great Dane, all dogs even if they snap. She's patient with all and doesn't back off but doesn't make a dog that is uneasy as it hasn't been socialized sufficiently uncomfie. She has become balanced but that came with work of daily exposing her. That's not to say that something can't spook her in the future but as far as she is concerned, she has found her comfortability with people be it kids or adults and with dogs of various sizes - friendly and unfriendly.

The point of all this is to realize that slow conditioning does help and play doesn't have to be running around but even practicing walking near another dog can help them gain their confidence. Everything you do counts. Just don't get frustrated if it doesn't work right out of the gate. It didn't for Miss Abs. They feed off your emotion so it is important to keep a level head and focus on the end result vs. the moments that frustrate you. Any of you that have had human kids know all the way through teenage years and then some you can get frustrated but most of your job is done after that first year with a dog that you have invested training, socializing and reinforcing in. They will be that dog you always wanted as they are what you put into them.

Too often a dog will bark when they are not sure of their environment. Zack did this when we went to Rens last week and to Home Depot but soon realized after saying 'no bark' firmly that there really wasn't anything to be concerned about. He soon was saying hi to human and canines alike till we came across an aggressive dog and instead of scaring him, I walked the other way - not in a rush but in a deliberate distraction. It's important when your dog is young to not instill fear in them and to redirect when 'you' read the body of another dog. When they arrive at a place where they can read and feel comfort with their coping skills - well then you can use that dog to calm others - like the Miss Abs seems to do with others.

Our Havanese learn to read other dogs in different time frames. Katsuro was almost 9 months till he could totally tell what another dog was saying. Abs is 6 months and can tell. It's not a sign of intelligence. Think of it as similar to a human trait and if you had 'NO words' and had to read body language - some of us would pick up on it fast and others wouldn't be sure what was being said. All that matters at the end of the day is they figure it out and learn coping skills when things are not the way they desire. This comes with maturity and you being tuned into them.