Abs Gets Washed & Class Update

Something about the Abs. She has a real zest for life. I finished blow drying her to get her ready for a show tomorrow when in reality, I should have just got up at 4am and washed her then.
Here she is 5 minutes after getting off the table and her face is wet. She's smooshed her head into her bed and chased Katsuro around and almost caught his back end. They run SO fast. Here's for cleaning her up early tomorrow and learning my lesson. Oh - she's not bad but this is only 5 minutes past the time of being done. hehehe
Nathan just got in with Fiona and he says everyone did really well in class. Teddy wasn't there this week as she is in a trial, I believe with one of her dogs but we will all see her next week.
It does my heart good to hear how the dogs are doing.
More tomorrow!
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