
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in chicadoro coco havanese puppies toronto (10)


Mom & Son: Havanese

Today is a rather gloomy day but we are playing recovery from extra grooming done on a visiting dog. So - we are hanging out, getting caught up on things and soon the grand kids will be here.

Havanese come in all sorts of colours and this is our Risa and her son Katsura who just sired pups with Lola to have absolutely gorgeous pups. He's biased but how could they not be cute. Kat is athletic but he also has that cute face and we can't wait to see these pups develop.

If interested in pups, send mail to Yvonne Poole - our dear friends. The pups are up and about now doing all the fun stuff they do when they are mobile and very fast in doing things.

She also has pups from Kat's relative Maggie who also has Risa as her mom.

There's nothing like a Havanese or two...nothing!


Fiona Rain Style Havanese

Here's a dawg - a Havanese that doesn't seen to mind all this rain we are getting.

Well, Cleo and Apple go home tinight. The human's grandkids come tomorrow till Friday and then a few of Wasabi's dogs are coming for a visit.

If it is sunny tomorrow, we may see Otis. Now how cool is that?

We promise photos and fun times.


Say Cheese Havanese

Trying to get the Havanese cooperating - even saying cheese is I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E.

We have Coco and Zack for sleepovers and are having an amazing amount of fun.

Fiona, Coco and Abs is out walking with our son Jonathan and his girlfriend and Zack just came back with Nathan and Kat.

Ramona: Zack did great on the walk. He barked at one dog that barked at him once. He was corrected and didn't bark again.

Abs is really making Coco feel welcomed and it's all working ever so well.

Ah - Havanese heaven. Couldn't be better than this!


Havanese Style: Got Your Back

Where is our head - no photo of Sebastian leaving today. Gad - he is missed already. Do send photos. Can't wait to see him after he is bonded. There are some that just are so lovie and well, he will have a grand adventure.

Last night the siblings came over - a couple of them and here you can see Sebastian rough housing with Coach as if to say - I got your back, Coachie.

Fiona's a tad bit of an adventurous troublemaker and as you can see, she's up on the table behind John's back trying to get at the flowers on the table and Sassy is checking it out. Wish Nathan had got all of Sassy in that photo but you can get the idea of what was going on.

Havanese can leap tall what have yous in a single bound if they think they can get away with it. I caught Abigail jumping on one of the kitchen table chairs the other day after Risa went into the doghouse on her little table trip and she thought - hmm they are cooking - better get up here and wait. I corrected her and she hasn't done it since but it surely gives you an idea how intelligent they are and how their minds work.

Well, a good time was had by all as you can see on Sebastian's face. He does adore the play - human and canine alike. Wish more photos had come out last night but they were moving so fast many were blurry.

Life is an adventure that takes us down roads for reasons we often don't understand but when we arrive where we can get that one on one attention, feel loved, stimulated and cared for - well we have arrived where we need to be.

More later...


Dog Shows Are Ruff

Well, here I am hanging out in the car as someone sabotaged our tent last night. Yes, you got that right - they cut the cords, stole our tarps and damaged it beyond repair. How nice of someone. I was rather fond of it too as it allowed us extra shade in the backyard and human mommy loves the shade rather than the sun like human daddy. The tent was brand new and I gather we will have to buy another and could use not having to.

Then today, in the ring for Best in Breed, with one other dog, one of the top Havanese in Canada, handled by a professional, they started to run right in front of me and everyone knows we don't run like that in the ring but I thought he was playing the run-like-hell game that I love and I started to run too. Daddy couldn't get me to walk properly after that. People do the darnedest things to win but I guess I should feel good that this handler thought I was competition. One day, soon, I will be. Look behind you, buddy. I'm coming.

On our return home, we stopped at the new Pet Supply House location in Guelph and got a new brush or two. Mommy is always looking for that ultimate brush and she rather likes the ones she got so far. Someone held me and I snuggled with her as I am a dog that can tell when someone likes me. She just adored how soft I was and mommy does too as she is really finding that perfect combo of clarifier, shampoo/conditioner etc that make me look good. It's been a ruff road but she has finally arrived at what is right for me.

Well, I got lots of ribbons today but the only thing I care about is that I have no baths for a bit and I can play my heart out. Coach and Sassy is coming over to play and we will have photos tomorrow. Sebastian is going to his new home tomorrow and he gets to hang out with his siblings tonight. Then we get him back after his transition while his family goes on holidays and he gets to go to Rita's Havanese get together in August. Fun!

Soon we will have Remy sleeping over and Zack and Coco. talk about a Havanese love fest and with no shows it will be relaxing and enjoying life time. Can't wait.

Oh my tons of barking as Coach and Sassy just arrived. Off to have fun!

PS: Saturday we get to see Kat and Lola's pups - can't wait!!


What is That Havanese Doing?

Fiona often poses for her photos and Abs - well she just is hard to catch in action. It's different personalities. But here Abigail is shaking a toy and Fiona is wondering what the sense of that is.

After going outside and getting all wet in the grass, we came back to play a vigorous game of retrieve with the duo pouncing when a toy was thrown. It's the funniest sight you ever did see as they don't run but do this run to a pounce as if they are attacking the toy and they both do it.

How did you start YOUR day? I hope it was with just as much of a laugh and fun and just the way the day should start. If not, well do something about it. It only takes a few minutes and it can put a smile on your face. More later.>>


Springing Ahead Havanese Style

Oh my gad, life is grand. Miss Abigail is going to be gone, gone, gone off and on all next weekend and hey - she's taking mommy and daddy with her. What's THAT about? Oh well - another week and I will deal THEN.

This week is Passover and Talemaker's wishes all our Jewish friends, family and acquaintances many memories and eat well this sedar. Don't allow your canines to make those eyes and over-indulge. ha ha

Mommy is going a tad crazy practicing 'no bark' with all these mowers, blowers etc going on in the neighbourhood. She actually thinks we should not be so vocal so she says no bark, puts a funny face on her all scrunched up and then she starts moving all those leaves around all so she can pressure wash everything down to get rid of any residual smells etc. She's a crazy lady. It took her hours to do the deck and it will take her 5 times as long if daddy doesn't get the blower going to push those leaves at least in one spot while we nose dive in it and make it a mess again. Yeah - we do that...yikes.

Coco's mom, Yvonne, Coco, Downsey are all coming Sunday at 2pm and that ought to be fun. We figure by Sunday, Chico's hat will be off and he'll be a happy camper. He's off pain meds today - antibiotics of the liquid kind for a few more days and life will never be the same. Then Monday we may be seeing Sebastian's mom as he goes home too. It will be a quieter house for sure - hahahaha

More later as we adapt to life outside as we adore grand weather, a pool and dock diving Havanese but that's a tad too early but the rest - plants, hide and seek in and out of them - well life is grand for a Havanese come spring and when the leaves no longer stick to them - it will be grand for me too. hahahaha


Coco's At Yvonne's & Alex's

Well, just when we thought we would have the Coco for another night, Alex and Yvonne couldn't stand another day without her so Alex came by and scooped her up.

Now we would have kept her...hehehe but friends share.

We will be looking forward to seeing her on Sunday and we are looking forward to hearing all about the next part of her adventure.


Chillin' Havanese Sunday

The pups are at it bright and early today. Coco slept in the bed and slept all night. Her last feeding was at 530pm and she barked for her breakfast. That's a sibling trait - I want it now.

Fiona's been sleeping all night for quite awhile with these arrangements so we figured we would do the same with Coco. It's working and her comfortability has increased. She's doing stairs, jumping on top of the crew to play and learning that endearing pounce and then move fast so they can't get me back. Yeah - it's a game they play. It's fun to watch.

It's rather cold outside. I was hoping for warm. It looks like no more rain till I don't know when so after our walks, it may finally be time to get the crew washed up one at a time.

Coco will be heading out to Yvonne's come - tomorrow and Sebastian is here till the 21st. Sebastian tends to mix it up on a level that Abigail really enjoys. He's such a lovey even when I brush him daily and doesn't forget there is a treat at the end.

Poor Coco was not pleased with the grooming but with lots of kisses, hugs and snuggles she survived and got excited with the treat. I suspect today's grooming will be much easier. Shoshi had mega grooming as she managed to drag in sticks, leaves and anything else that would stick to her hair but after daily grooming, they just lay there and wait for their treat.

Yesterday Nathan did training with Abigail, Sebastian and Fiona for the ring but let's say - training again today as they have that jumping in excitement thing down too well at times. We are making progress but maybe with less than 2 weeks away for Abs - her training has to increase to 2 times a day. Will Nathan have the energy? Time will tell. hahahahaha

Well, I may crawl back on the couch and snuggle with some dogs. I promise you training photos later. We may even have a walk or two mixed in. slideshow coming. :-)

Oh - and Sebatian has found his way to Katsuro's heart. He was seen letting him snuggle and even playing their hearts out bigtime. Imagine that.


Rockin' & Rollin' Havanese Wet Style

We are rather tired today as Coco (name spelling correction as I found on her collar) couldn't decide - bed - crate - bed - can I go out now? But that happens at times when it's a new place and she will get tuckered out and have her bearings today. She's already playing with the crew as you can see in our bathroom. She even growled boisterous Sebastian away who tends to love the physical full on play that Abs adores.

This is great for the pack as they learn to interact with each dog and read signals. It's a bonus - even with a lack of sleep to have the visitors. Our goal is to help the pack help others and therefore help themselves. it does work.

It's really raining and we are constantly cleaning floors. It's way funny though as I take my foot and shove a towel around the floor and the dogs chase it, lay on top of it and play as if we are in midst of a game.

Here I am snuggling with a few, hair not brushed - soaking wet just enjoying.

I can't imagine what life would be without the dogs. We adore then so and we rather miss puppies. It's an amazing amount of work the way we do it but wow what you get back!

More later...