Chillin' Havanese Sunday

The pups are at it bright and early today. Coco slept in the bed and slept all night. Her last feeding was at 530pm and she barked for her breakfast. That's a sibling trait - I want it now.
Fiona's been sleeping all night for quite awhile with these arrangements so we figured we would do the same with Coco. It's working and her comfortability has increased. She's doing stairs, jumping on top of the crew to play and learning that endearing pounce and then move fast so they can't get me back. Yeah - it's a game they play. It's fun to watch.
It's rather cold outside. I was hoping for warm. It looks like no more rain till I don't know when so after our walks, it may finally be time to get the crew washed up one at a time.
Coco will be heading out to Yvonne's come - tomorrow and Sebastian is here till the 21st. Sebastian tends to mix it up on a level that Abigail really enjoys. He's such a lovey even when I brush him daily and doesn't forget there is a treat at the end.
Poor Coco was not pleased with the grooming but with lots of kisses, hugs and snuggles she survived and got excited with the treat. I suspect today's grooming will be much easier. Shoshi had mega grooming as she managed to drag in sticks, leaves and anything else that would stick to her hair but after daily grooming, they just lay there and wait for their treat.
Yesterday Nathan did training with Abigail, Sebastian and Fiona for the ring but let's say - training again today as they have that jumping in excitement thing down too well at times. We are making progress but maybe with less than 2 weeks away for Abs - her training has to increase to 2 times a day. Will Nathan have the energy? Time will tell. hahahahaha
Well, I may crawl back on the couch and snuggle with some dogs. I promise you training photos later. We may even have a walk or two mixed in. slideshow coming. :-)
Oh - and Sebatian has found his way to Katsuro's heart. He was seen letting him snuggle and even playing their hearts out bigtime. Imagine that.
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