
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese play (84)


Dawgie Love-In

This reminds me of a 70s love-in where everyone gets together for lots of love.

I just adore dawgs - mine, everyone else's. There is something special about the unconditional love they give.

Today I washed a couple of the dawgs, brushed the rest as I do daily and just finished grooming a few minutes ago. Why did it take me so long? I groomed then played then groomed and played then groomed and snuggled and... ROFL

What a day...


Crazy Days & Changes

Zoe had a bath before she goes home tonight. She's not crazy about the bath. Some dogs are not. This is how we accomplished it and you can duplicate it if you have a dog that hasn't been slowly conditioned to this bath business or reacts for a different reason.

Use 2 people, 1 to hold gently but firmly and the other to wash, rinse and condition. If a dog has a fear about the bath, it could hurt themselves by trying to escape. I believe in slow conditioning in a positive way. You talk and calm the dog down, you give massages and you actually wash more frequently. You might say why would you force the dog to do what it fears more frequently? If you do it right, the more you do it the more slow conditioning it receives and the more it realizes this can be fun. Arm yourself with treats. If it is too upset, it won't take them but as he/she calms down, it will. The idea is to associate good things with the experience slowly making the good outweigh the fear till it disappears. It does work - this slow conditioning stuff and we have helped MANY dogs with this. As someone who has helped a rescue or two or three or more through their fears, we don't believe in flooding but slow conditioning done right changes their coping skills and allows the fears to be minimal or completely fade.

No one and nothing should have to live in fear. Fear can make you react and keep you away from being productive and it can even interfere with living a full and good life. Fear can actually destroy on many levels. As someone who is an advocate for achieving a well balanced dog in each canine, if we can, if allowed, we will still offer tips and rah rah support to those in need to help you achieve this with your own. Fears are complicated but given time, patience and a desire from you - well you too can make a difference no matter how small the fear is or how large.

There's nothing better in life knowing you have made a difference in another. It warms the heart in a very unique way. Be good to your dawgs!!

The rest of the crew is saying what the hey - another rainy day off and on. What's that about?


No Hands Balance

Charlie is a character. His folks are off in Europe and he will be going back to his human parents as soon as they get back. Zoe heads out tomorrow after her bath tonight.

We have company tonight for dinner so no photos and a pup goes home today too so it's a short update as our guests are arriving shortly.

Someone asked us to expose their dog to the puppies to see if they can get a pup. Sometimes when they are older, have only had you and no exposure to pups, well some like the grandkids and some don't. Personally how could you not love the grandkids but some of us get cranky or have no patience when we get older or we just want to be the only one. Can I be the only one and get all the attention too? hahahahaha

Keep that in mind when you are adding a pup. Do it when they are young and full of play. Don't do it to see if you can get your older one to play again. It may or may not ever happen. Adding a dog has to be about you foremost and having the rest fall into place.

Just my food for thought worth exploring.


Water & Havanese

Get a hose out to clean up the backyard (we do this a few times a day and pickup on site) and Sadie gal will run through it, snap at the water and just get soaked, soaked and more soaked.

Everyone is doing well, playing with the pups. Visitors are starting to go home and everyone thought this treat business when groomed is the way to go, I don't blame them. Do you?


Puppy Play With the Dawgs

Zoe loves playing with the pups and I managed to get some great shots. See the latest photos.

This is good socialization for the puppies especially to a non-havanese. This way when they start going to their forever homes and see a non-Havanese, they will feel alright with the differences and that's a good thing.

Soon Zoe and the others will be going home and the puppies will start going home and this place will become a much quieter place.

Sadie has been a running banshee and so has Lucy and Charlie. We already miss dogs but hope to stay connected with those that we truly love.

Cody is not so crazy about puppies but that's okay. It is what it is. Rocky who goes home tomorrow - well we hope we have managed to help him get conditioned to other dawgs in some small way.

I do believe we make a difference getting them used to grooming, to other dogs and people, to walks, to just about anything including a metal bowl for one. We did it out of love.

Now as the summer unwinds and we go back to less dawgs, maybe we will get back into conformation and obedience and photo taking. Life and the dawgs are sure interesting - is it not? I am who I am because of each and every one of them.


What a Day!

Fidel went home today but you can see him hanging out with the younger set. Fidel has come so far in really feeling relaxed and finding his place with the other dawgs. That is so important to us when a dawg comes in not sure and leaves feeling, "I can do this! This is FUN!'

I wish I had photos today but something happened today that trampled on my heart so we are trying to hug the dawgs and still update you but I am afraid I won't get to the pix today.

Everyone is doing well. They are playing, loved, groomed and well they are what makes life worth living. So, we treasure these moments and I mean that more than you can even fathom.

More tomorrow....


Sweat Came and Wet Arrived

Today Oreo and Majik was supposed to go home but the plane had issues so they will be picked up tomorrow. Fidel and Chico are also going and Cody is arriving.

We are hoping tomorrow is not muggy and rainy.

We spent a lot of time going in and out many, many times a day for short periods of time so no one got overheated. They still played but we practice fun wisely.

Where was my camera when Raylan drank out of the watering can or Shoshi showed her allergic stint to wet grass?

I need to wash 3 more dogs before tomorrow so Nathan and Dennis will be playing with the dogs and I wil be busy. No photos today as there simply is not enough hours in the day to wash and resize.

We certainly had a good day despite Oreo being so very beautiful and clean and deciding to mud it. I have to laugh at such displays as life is better that way.

Now to see if the 3 others will keep me on my toes in the cleaning department.

Relationships are really tight here this week. Everyone is totally meshing even Fidel and Zoe with the pups. I think they think they are the best thing ever and yeah pups are special too.

More tomorrow.


Zoe Arrives, Cosmo and Shaggy Leaves

Zoe is not a Havanese but she sure fits in nicely running around with the pups and the adults and playing grandly. She's here to help socialize the pups.

Although this is the 2nd time Zoe has been with us, we still did a meet and greet with one Havanese at a time. It takes some time to do this but it surely makes a new one feel welcome by realizing no one is here that is a threat to them and if anything they are ready and willing to play. Doing a one on one will help avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Cosmo and Shaggy really made huge strides opening up and playing up a storm. Cosmo eventually felt the puppies were no longer martians. We will miss them.

In the winter we actually shovel wonderful paths through the yard to allow the dogs to run up and down them. If anyone has a used electric shovel they are looking to get rid of for a price, let me know. I realize as I get older I need a bit of help to do the decks and the walkways and the paths we create or I need a small snowblower. So - let me know. We even create areas for the dogs to run under and play all for the sake of fun.

Now back to our day. It was rainy but we still managed to have a great deal of fun. We got wet. I had to groom twice but it was worth it. The adults, boarders and residents are truly enjoying what the pups add to the mix. Thankfully for Zoe, we have had exposure to larger dawgs for the pups. This type of immersion really works.

Tomorrow Oreo and Majik goes home and on Tuesday Chico and Fidel goes home.

Check out today's photos.


Crazy Day

It's been a long day between a vet visit for pups (our son, my sister-in-law) watched the dogs while we went. Then we had a few people over.

I did get photos but I am not up to resizing tonight so tomorrow.

We have guests coming tomorrow morning so I washed Cosmos and Shaggy tonight and just got finished. They look so good. It's amazing what a bath can do. They go home tomorrow morning. I can't believe it is time already. They have really opened up since they first arrived.

Sadie burst into the scene today and she has been delightful, as usual.

Charlie and Fidel have been playing up a storm as you can see in this photo.

Lucy decided to sleep on my legs last night. I woke up thinking I had a cramp. ROFL

Everyone is doing rather well and really meshing. Photos and more tomorrow.



Afternoon Play

I have to tell you that sometimes the play is almost like poetry in motion. They glide through the air, make contact, don't, run like the dickens and just enjoy what the day has to offer.

Don't you wish you could do that - just for one solid day - an immense amount of release - just doing what comes natural and enjoying. I swear most times that is what I see with the dogs. Even when they are sleeping, I swear they are dreaming what their next move will be.

Tomorrow Sadie is back and the fun is going to get kicked up a notch. You just wait and see.

 Check out today's photos.


One of Our Sons Hanging Out With Cosmos

We had a slower paced day today and I just came back from walking dogs. My hubby Nathan and my son walked the rest.

There were tons of people outside and lots of dogs and Helen you will be glad to know Oreo only barked once.

I will tell you that Fidel jumped into the carrying case with the pups. He's way smitten with the pups.

On walks, Fidel tends to stop and I need to tug him a bit and talk to him in silly talk so he gets motivated to continue walking and then he struts. It's way funny. I thought it was just me but he does this with Nathan and our son Dennis.

Oreo started playing with Shaggy. Charlie is playing with everyone. Charlie is a master at jumping over our gate to say hey can I walk everytime you go?

We always have either our sons or my sister-in-law or nathan watching the crew or me when walks are getting done. We tend to take 2 out at a time and each of us go at various times.

We are mixing up the dogs on walks never taking the 2 together that went the previous day. This way they get a chance to bond. They each go on good serious walks and some want to go again and again.

Our son Tal is really enjoying Cosmos. They really connect.

Check out today's photos.


Run, Run & More Running

We always play games of retrieve each day several times a day but the dogs also create their own fun by doing the run-like-hell game.

Charlie joined us last night and he was the leader of the pack in this running game. The crew had so much fun today it was hilarious to watch.

Majik and Oreo also arrived earlier in the day and they are doing well. We usually walk pack mates at different times to allow them to create relationships and to gain balance for anyone who needs it. Today we had high humidity so we walked some of the crew in the morning and the rest wil be going shortly. This eliminates walking when the weather is not healthy for then to have a good size walk.

Everyone slept well last night except Raylan and Lucy who thought everytime I moved - is it time to play and get up yet? We are hoping for a better night tonight.

Today grooming took all day. What does that mean? I groomed a couple and we played and groomed a couple and played or walked and groomed a couple etc.

Check out today's photos.


New Visitors Arrive

No matter what I do with Lucy, she looks like she just mucked it up.

That's quite okay as a dog should be a dog.

She doesn't have a single knot but she sure looks scruffy.

I bet when she gets her bath before going home, she will be really strutting her stuff as long as I keep her out of the garden.

Lucy likes to sleep up against me and she fits in quite fine.

Lucy tends to talk and tell you stories. Fidel, who we have here also does the same.

Lucy rather likes the puppies but nothing like Fidel who thinks they are here for him to play with. ROFL

We got new visitors today.

Oreo, Majik and Charlie arrived today. Oreo came in with a bang and started playing with everyone. Majik is being a tad cautious but is opening up. Charlie - well Charlie is a play monkey and he just arrived tonight so no photos of him till tomorrow. He's getting to know everyone again and having fun.

Shaggy has become quite the play monkey. Cosmos is still a bit reserved. I am not worried about him as he opens up more and more each day. He's not crazy over the puppies but seems to be smitten with Abigail these days. Fidel is smitten with Treasure, hehehehe! Chico - he just loves everyone.

Check out today's photos and be sure to look at the latest on Fiona and Treasure's photo pages to see the older crew playing with the puppies.



Penny, Marlee, Jazmyn and Zoe Goes Home

It's almost downright quiet around here. We are all sitting in with the pups watching TV and playing with the dawgs. Fidel can't get enough of them.

We miss our visitors that went home but I bet you they are snoozing playing catch-up due to less play. The dawgs do rest around here but it's sort of like an amusement park. Are you going to want to go on that extra ride as it's there? We do make them hang out - come in and lay around and snooze but they do play more here than at home, I am sure. But that's okay. They go home and they like that downtime. Don't you?

Tomorrow Charlie, Oreo and Majik comes. We can't wait.

PS: Check out the photos and tell me what breed Zoe is. She's like a gazelle running. It's amazing capturing her in digital.


Holiday Weekend Visitors

Well Sadie went home and I have a feeling she has been snoozing from all the play here. She is missed. Tia, another play monkey left as well and I can't believe how the dynamics change.

It's good for the dogs to socialize and change things up. Zoe also came today and she is also a fast play monkey. Can she run or what! She ADORES the pups.

Everyone has been playing with the pups except for Cosmos who isn't totally sure about them yet. He is sniffing them though so that is progress. They get to be a little bit insistent. Cosmos also doesn't have Sadie egging him on to play nonstop. She helped loosen Cosmos up. His housemate Shaggy find the pups fascinating.

Marlee LOVES the pups. Jazmyn sniffs them. She's not afraid of them but she thinks they are gremlins. They do insist on play.

Penny has really found herself playing up a storm with Lucy. Lucy is a riot too. She talks. She makes all these noises and has conversations with you. It's a riot. Penny now runs to me when I am grooming so she can get her treat. Had she goes home way too soon on Tuesday.

Well, we had a very full day with visitors and a ton of fun and it took me forever to resize photos and upload them. So here I am late at night doing the blog. Check out the photos on the boarders photo page and be sure to check out more on either Fiona or Treasure's photo page as you wil see the pups with the visitors and our crew.

Tomorrow after breakfast Zoe gets bathed and goes home and Jazmyn and Marlee goes home. Their visit was way too short but way enjoyable. Marlee and Jazmyn is regulars that we adore and Zoe is new. Zoe gets to come back later this month and we can't wait!



Holiday Moments

Although I have a ton of photos to share I think I will be waiting till tomorrow. I am taking a day off from editing - my holiday and tomorrow I will make up for it, I promise.

Here is a photo of Fidel. He lives with Chico. Chico is one of Wasabi's boys.

I just finished grooming everyone and now we are off to have some fun, fun, fun. I took the opportunity to groom outside. This way I could throw toys, groom, throw toys and play inbetween.

Lucy is having fun, fun fun and so is Marlee and Jazmyn. Tia goes home today - sniff.

Cosmos and Shaggy are way at home these days. Sadie is - well Sadie. She's an alpha in the making and a funny one at that!!

Fidel is making noises - can we take those cute puppies out PLEASE?

Got to get back to it. Tomorrow expect lots of photos.


Tia Goes Home Tomorrow

Tia is a blast of fun always and the crew always enjoys her enthusiasm. We will miss her but she will be back in mid August. We are looking forward to the fun.

This is a holiday weekend so we have more visitors than we usually do but we have a lot of people helping out with the dogs - Nathan, our son, my sister-in-law who is staying here till winter or so and myself. Some of the other boys do play sessions at times too when we have a full house.

Do the dawgs still sleep on the beds? Yep - we just have some on this bed and another group on this bed with us. It all works - seriously and there is nothing like a sea of dogs to create a blanket on you.

Lately, we always have a full house on the holidays so please book early. We have been saying no room if we have a full house. I am the only groomer in the house and despite the fact that we have a lot of adults to help during holidays, I can only groom so many daily and I won't and can't take dogs unless they can get the care we have always given them...hugs, cuddles, games, walks etc. I care more about the dawgs and their needs so please for holidays - please book early. We may not have room unfortunately and I only know one other person who takes havanese into their home and she will only take 1 or 2 at a time. We tend to take all small friendly breeds.

Today Chico, Fidel and Lucy came. We have a bunch of wonderful photos showing how much fun the crew had today and we absolutely had a ton of fun. Our son is walking the last 2 dogs tonight and we will be heading to bed shortly.

We went out and played up a storm tonight but I am not going to get to upload those photos till tomorrow. It's getting too late and I am afraid I spent so much time playing and not editing - well which would you rather? So, Lucy's parents - look at tomorrow's photos as she was playing up a storm tonight. This afternoon she was mingling but tonight she let loose.

Fidel ADORES the pups and we did manage to capture that. Not great photos in clarity but I still shared them so you can see the action.

Sadie and Tia - well play monkeys to te max and you will indeed see that in the photos. Chico was also playing and wow Cosmos has let his hair down and is playing wonderfully and so has Shaggy but ooops Shaggy has found his voice. He wants those 45 minute or more walks. Thirty minutes is not enough for him so Dennis straps on his rollerblades and they go for a run.

Well, it's getting late and I have 2 other blogs to update. We had a blast today. Check out the latest photos to see. Tomorrow will be another fun-filled day. I can feel it!

PS: some of the adults also played with the pups and you can find THOSE photos on the Treasure or Fiona's photo pages.



Changes Happen With Time

Cosmos and Shaggy came to stay a bit hesitant about all this busy-ness but usually something happens that changes things up. We invest a great deal of time to get the dawgs connected and to relax and enjoy. We do try. At first Shaggy and Cosmos stuck together and then little by little Shaggy started playing and Cosmos watched. Then it got too much for Cosmos to just watch and he started playing too. It happens and it is nice when it does. Today the duo went roller blading with our son to a long forested path. They adored it and came back in such a fine spirit.

Who was caught on digital playing with them? Tia, Penny and Raylan. What I haven't managed to catch is the number of times Sadie insists on jumping on Cosmos egging him on to play. These are things you can't do yourself. The pack brings their magic and then it all works.

Penny has been getting even more proactive about her play and Tia - well just like Sadie she just insists.

Sadie woke up at oh about 5am wanting to get going. She just thinks this play business is the best. But her walks - well interesting but at 4 months it is to be expected. She is all over the place as if she keeps seeing a butterfly going oh my flitting all over the place as she tries to keep up with it or so it looks. She is priceless but puppies are - are they not?

Tia is so comfortable around this place that it's nice to watch.

Check out today's photos. The crew is having fun and so am I watching.


Photos Tomorrow

Everyone is doing well. Shaggy is no longer letting Cosmos steal his food. Sadie tries to steal everyones but we are directing her back to her own. It's no fun unless I can take everyones. We don't let her.

Sadie is magic for Cosmos. She just won't let him say no to play.

Tia is a play monkey as usual and Penny is delighted to accept her challenge of non-stop play.

Everyone is playing, going for walks soon and we will have photos tomorrow. Everyone was wet rags this morning from the rain and they watched Dennis weed but we were getting ready for guests getting everyone having fun that I didn't take a single photo. Sorry - sometimes it's one of THOSE days. No extra stress - just focused on just doing vs capturing.

We will be back tomorrow...sharing more...

ooops and someone peed on the couch - yikes - but thankfully we have covers.


Do They Ever Stop Playing?

Okay, what's really the scoop? Do they play nonstop? No! But we play a significant part of the day. They do get daily grooms and walks and they even take a nap to regroup to play again.

But fun is absolutely part of the equation and they love it! I love capturing it.

The best part of the day for many of them is to play with the pups.

We also teach 'no bark' and focus on things that need to be changed or redirected.

But fun is the operative word and when they go home they often sleep for a day or two. It's not that they aren't thrilled to be back at home as there really is no place like home but they play so much they need to regroup and that's okay too.

How do our dogs regroup when we have visitors most days? They take their naps when they need to.

Check out today's photos.