Run, Run & More Running

We always play games of retrieve each day several times a day but the dogs also create their own fun by doing the run-like-hell game.
Charlie joined us last night and he was the leader of the pack in this running game. The crew had so much fun today it was hilarious to watch.
Majik and Oreo also arrived earlier in the day and they are doing well. We usually walk pack mates at different times to allow them to create relationships and to gain balance for anyone who needs it. Today we had high humidity so we walked some of the crew in the morning and the rest wil be going shortly. This eliminates walking when the weather is not healthy for then to have a good size walk.
Everyone slept well last night except Raylan and Lucy who thought everytime I moved - is it time to play and get up yet? We are hoping for a better night tonight.
Today grooming took all day. What does that mean? I groomed a couple and we played and groomed a couple and played or walked and groomed a couple etc.

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