One of Our Sons Hanging Out With Cosmos

We had a slower paced day today and I just came back from walking dogs. My hubby Nathan and my son walked the rest.
There were tons of people outside and lots of dogs and Helen you will be glad to know Oreo only barked once.
I will tell you that Fidel jumped into the carrying case with the pups. He's way smitten with the pups.
On walks, Fidel tends to stop and I need to tug him a bit and talk to him in silly talk so he gets motivated to continue walking and then he struts. It's way funny. I thought it was just me but he does this with Nathan and our son Dennis.
Oreo started playing with Shaggy. Charlie is playing with everyone. Charlie is a master at jumping over our gate to say hey can I walk everytime you go?
We always have either our sons or my sister-in-law or nathan watching the crew or me when walks are getting done. We tend to take 2 out at a time and each of us go at various times.
We are mixing up the dogs on walks never taking the 2 together that went the previous day. This way they get a chance to bond. They each go on good serious walks and some want to go again and again.
Our son Tal is really enjoying Cosmos. They really connect.

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