Penny, Marlee, Jazmyn and Zoe Goes Home

It's almost downright quiet around here. We are all sitting in with the pups watching TV and playing with the dawgs. Fidel can't get enough of them.
We miss our visitors that went home but I bet you they are snoozing playing catch-up due to less play. The dawgs do rest around here but it's sort of like an amusement park. Are you going to want to go on that extra ride as it's there? We do make them hang out - come in and lay around and snooze but they do play more here than at home, I am sure. But that's okay. They go home and they like that downtime. Don't you?
Tomorrow Charlie, Oreo and Majik comes. We can't wait.
PS: Check out the photos and tell me what breed Zoe is. She's like a gazelle running. It's amazing capturing her in digital.

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