Holiday Weekend Visitors

Well Sadie went home and I have a feeling she has been snoozing from all the play here. She is missed. Tia, another play monkey left as well and I can't believe how the dynamics change.
It's good for the dogs to socialize and change things up. Zoe also came today and she is also a fast play monkey. Can she run or what! She ADORES the pups.
Everyone has been playing with the pups except for Cosmos who isn't totally sure about them yet. He is sniffing them though so that is progress. They get to be a little bit insistent. Cosmos also doesn't have Sadie egging him on to play nonstop. She helped loosen Cosmos up. His housemate Shaggy find the pups fascinating.
Marlee LOVES the pups. Jazmyn sniffs them. She's not afraid of them but she thinks they are gremlins. They do insist on play.
Penny has really found herself playing up a storm with Lucy. Lucy is a riot too. She talks. She makes all these noises and has conversations with you. It's a riot. Penny now runs to me when I am grooming so she can get her treat. Had she goes home way too soon on Tuesday.
Well, we had a very full day with visitors and a ton of fun and it took me forever to resize photos and upload them. So here I am late at night doing the blog. Check out the photos on the boarders photo page and be sure to check out more on either Fiona or Treasure's photo page as you wil see the pups with the visitors and our crew.
Tomorrow after breakfast Zoe gets bathed and goes home and Jazmyn and Marlee goes home. Their visit was way too short but way enjoyable. Marlee and Jazmyn is regulars that we adore and Zoe is new. Zoe gets to come back later this month and we can't wait!

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