Sweat Came and Wet Arrived

Today Oreo and Majik was supposed to go home but the plane had issues so they will be picked up tomorrow. Fidel and Chico are also going and Cody is arriving.
We are hoping tomorrow is not muggy and rainy.
We spent a lot of time going in and out many, many times a day for short periods of time so no one got overheated. They still played but we practice fun wisely.
Where was my camera when Raylan drank out of the watering can or Shoshi showed her allergic stint to wet grass?
I need to wash 3 more dogs before tomorrow so Nathan and Dennis will be playing with the dogs and I wil be busy. No photos today as there simply is not enough hours in the day to wash and resize.
We certainly had a good day despite Oreo being so very beautiful and clean and deciding to mud it. I have to laugh at such displays as life is better that way.
Now to see if the 3 others will keep me on my toes in the cleaning department.
Relationships are really tight here this week. Everyone is totally meshing even Fidel and Zoe with the pups. I think they think they are the best thing ever and yeah pups are special too.
More tomorrow.

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