Changes Happen With Time

Cosmos and Shaggy came to stay a bit hesitant about all this busy-ness but usually something happens that changes things up. We invest a great deal of time to get the dawgs connected and to relax and enjoy. We do try. At first Shaggy and Cosmos stuck together and then little by little Shaggy started playing and Cosmos watched. Then it got too much for Cosmos to just watch and he started playing too. It happens and it is nice when it does. Today the duo went roller blading with our son to a long forested path. They adored it and came back in such a fine spirit.
Who was caught on digital playing with them? Tia, Penny and Raylan. What I haven't managed to catch is the number of times Sadie insists on jumping on Cosmos egging him on to play. These are things you can't do yourself. The pack brings their magic and then it all works.
Penny has been getting even more proactive about her play and Tia - well just like Sadie she just insists.
Sadie woke up at oh about 5am wanting to get going. She just thinks this play business is the best. But her walks - well interesting but at 4 months it is to be expected. She is all over the place as if she keeps seeing a butterfly going oh my flitting all over the place as she tries to keep up with it or so it looks. She is priceless but puppies are - are they not?
Tia is so comfortable around this place that it's nice to watch.
Check out today's photos. The crew is having fun and so am I watching.

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