Tia Goes Home Tomorrow

Tia is a blast of fun always and the crew always enjoys her enthusiasm. We will miss her but she will be back in mid August. We are looking forward to the fun.
This is a holiday weekend so we have more visitors than we usually do but we have a lot of people helping out with the dogs - Nathan, our son, my sister-in-law who is staying here till winter or so and myself. Some of the other boys do play sessions at times too when we have a full house.
Do the dawgs still sleep on the beds? Yep - we just have some on this bed and another group on this bed with us. It all works - seriously and there is nothing like a sea of dogs to create a blanket on you.
Lately, we always have a full house on the holidays so please book early. We have been saying no room if we have a full house. I am the only groomer in the house and despite the fact that we have a lot of adults to help during holidays, I can only groom so many daily and I won't and can't take dogs unless they can get the care we have always given them...hugs, cuddles, games, walks etc. I care more about the dawgs and their needs so please for holidays - please book early. We may not have room unfortunately and I only know one other person who takes havanese into their home and she will only take 1 or 2 at a time. We tend to take all small friendly breeds.
Today Chico, Fidel and Lucy came. We have a bunch of wonderful photos showing how much fun the crew had today and we absolutely had a ton of fun. Our son is walking the last 2 dogs tonight and we will be heading to bed shortly.
We went out and played up a storm tonight but I am not going to get to upload those photos till tomorrow. It's getting too late and I am afraid I spent so much time playing and not editing - well which would you rather? So, Lucy's parents - look at tomorrow's photos as she was playing up a storm tonight. This afternoon she was mingling but tonight she let loose.
Fidel ADORES the pups and we did manage to capture that. Not great photos in clarity but I still shared them so you can see the action.
Sadie and Tia - well play monkeys to te max and you will indeed see that in the photos. Chico was also playing and wow Cosmos has let his hair down and is playing wonderfully and so has Shaggy but ooops Shaggy has found his voice. He wants those 45 minute or more walks. Thirty minutes is not enough for him so Dennis straps on his rollerblades and they go for a run.
Well, it's getting late and I have 2 other blogs to update. We had a blast today. Check out the latest photos to see. Tomorrow will be another fun-filled day. I can feel it!
PS: some of the adults also played with the pups and you can find THOSE photos on the Treasure or Fiona's photo pages.

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