Crazy Day

It's been a long day between a vet visit for pups (our son, my sister-in-law) watched the dogs while we went. Then we had a few people over.
I did get photos but I am not up to resizing tonight so tomorrow.
We have guests coming tomorrow morning so I washed Cosmos and Shaggy tonight and just got finished. They look so good. It's amazing what a bath can do. They go home tomorrow morning. I can't believe it is time already. They have really opened up since they first arrived.
Sadie burst into the scene today and she has been delightful, as usual.
Charlie and Fidel have been playing up a storm as you can see in this photo.
Lucy decided to sleep on my legs last night. I woke up thinking I had a cramp. ROFL
Everyone is doing rather well and really meshing. Photos and more tomorrow.

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