Sleeping Arrangements at Talemaker

We are an equal opportunity family at Talemaker and tonight it is the mom that is staying up to watch Wasabi and the pups. Human Dad has been doing it.
We are updating this at this ungodly hour as who knows what will happen tomorrow when I crash. But now this human is okay and enjoying my time with Wasabi and the pups.
Kat's in bed with the human Daddy. To say the poor guy was overtired would be an understatement - not Kat - but the human Dad. We hope he is catching the zzz's and dreaming of great things.
We also have Remy, Oreo and Teddy here doing the rumble house together. Remy's parents never left him before and was afraid of how he would do and he's the boss over the other 2 - not in a bad way but more like the leader in the pack. It took him less than a half hour to start playing hard and the other 2 love him. Treasure's saying - well what is this - guys week or what?
Here's to health - great sleep and puppy breath. May you experience it all!
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