Wake Up Havanese Blues

If you look real close you can see Kat's reflection in the pool. Click on the photo to see a larger view.
As you can tell, he's been having fun in the pool. You don't have to coax him in - it's the other way around - getting the Daddy to come in.
Last night I played a fun game with Abigail and she adored it. Okay, I know when you go to bed - you should go to bed - no TV - no distractions or you are asking for a sleep that is anything less than satisfying but I can't help myself. So, when Abigail was laying next to me, I blew at her head and she started twisting and turning then coming back for more. She loved it. Treasure tried to get the focus on her and Fiona was miffed but we played and played til Daddy started playing with her in the same fashion then he watched TV (in our room - I know) and I went to sleep.
At 4am Treasure decided it was time to get up and play. Lord knows she had enough exercise for even the most fit to feel tired but nope - let's get up, Mommy so I said NO and rolled over - put the sheet over my head as she tends to lick your face and she laid down. I said - hmm okay this is good though once I am up, I am up. But 10 minutes later she did it again and then 5 minutes later so off we went downstairs. Nathan came too - usually it's just me and he went back to bed and here I am deader than a door nail typing and the crew is sleeping on the floor.
I think the Treasure should play retrieve before bed tonight and wear herself down even more and she needs to know 4am is NOT it. Why this happened last night - I haven't a clue but we will be doing everything to make sure it doesn't tonight.
Maybe it was my silly game with Abigail that set the stage for her wanting to get up sooner or later...my bad!
Reader Comments (1)
What a FANTASTIC photo! Wow
M Curtis