
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker boarding toronto havanese (356)


TV Watching

The crew lays on Daddy and we get caught up on TV. It's gloomy outside so why not.

The Dad just walked everyone 2 at a time and now those old legs are saying - are you kidding? But he does it all the time. It's just at times he has some help.

So, what did the dawgs watch? Three Rivers - thumbs up or is that paws up so far. Then Cougar Town came on - and we clicked that off after 10 minutes. Now we are off watching Vampire Diaries - and the verdict is out.

Okay - the dawgs aren't really watching - we are. They are either snoozing or giving the dad a bath. Isn't that the way it is at your house when you are trying to watch TV?

Me, I am typing away and taking breaks getting puppy snuggles.

The dad has handling class tonight. I usually go but not while we have pups. I should clean up the guy (Kat) before he goes but it's a losing battle. Wasabi and him seem to muck it up in a big way.

The Wasabi woo just was brushed and bathed yesterday - brushed today and look at her? Give her dirt - wet - mud and oh the fun begins. Good thing the dirt usually falls off of her. heh

Well - back to TV...snuggling and having a tuned in or is that out day?


Indoor Games Havanese Style

When it is raining, you can't expect the dawgs to just lay around and do nothing so we play games with them.

They know the routine - even the visitors.

Today though, Abigail knew it was raining so off she went to get the tug toy to bring it to me.

I threw it and she was the first to get it despite Treasure trying really hard to beat her to it.

Oh, and she really tried. Treasure doesn't like losing.

Our visitor Marlee tried to get it but she found another tug toy and brought it to me to tug with her - none of this retrieve stuff - Treasure will just think she can get MY toy. heh

Oh..the Havanese are ever so smart.

Jazmyn - I swear she rolled her eyes at such silliness.

We also had puppy people over and the dawgs got to hang out with them. It was a good day despite the rain. It is what it is!


Disclosures Havanese Style

Well, human Mommy went outside this morning as human Daddy USUALLY and USUALLY is the key stays in bed a tad longer than human Mommy. You figure out what the USUALLY word means.

If you haven't noticed, it's become quite chilly. So, outside with the crew I go in a bathrobe. Well - it beats a fall coat - much longer but please. Hey, I am soooooo stylin' it aint funny. Yeah - I am howling with laughter.

It wouldn't be half as bad but 3 dogs came downstairs and off I went to make sure they do their business. I come back in and 2 more are waiting so back out I go. Oh - that's not all of them? Nope. By the time I am down with the next batch more has showed up. Now I am fighting some kind of a something so by the time I was done, I was chilled to the bone.

I then cleaned up the kitchen. Our son who watches the pups at night tends to leave a few things. Anyone who has kids 'gets' this. He says he doesn't want to wake the dogs and I do get that as our bedroom is over the kitchen.

I then climb into the puppy pen after cleaning up, take out the stuff in the whelping box after moving the puppies outside of the box and proceed to clean up. This will be easier next week when they go up and downstairs. I start yet another wash. When one has puppies there are many washes and people are often saying - when can I get my clothes in. It's like waiting at the laundromat. heh

Nathan comes down, gets the food ready for the dogs. He starts handing it out and ooops one of the bowls fell all over the floor. Treasure goes in for the Hoover vacuum treatment.

Our day has just begun. I still have to wash Shoshi and Risa. I was too under the weather yesterday though that never has stopped me before - maybe it's called 'under the weather' procrastination. Sounds better than LAZY!

How has YOUR day started?


Rain or Shine - Still Running

Nathan still manages to run his heart out with the dogs and they ADORE it!

The mom needs to do the same but health wise - body and emotional for both human and canine - can you think of a better way to bond?

It's his thing just like swimming with Kat is and it's nice to capture it in photo.

Wasabi went into a funk after Saki left.

She can't get near Fiona's pups when Fiona is around though we have had her up close and personal when Fiona is not in the room.

She really is excited about Fiona's pups and after Saki left - she just hung out and looked as if Saki was still in the back yard. She looked and looked then sighed and went to sleep. We will have to have more of her pups come to visit as she does enjoy watching them.

She is due to go into another heat in a month or 2 and we will be breeding her again as she seems to be complete with the pups. It's nice. We may have Abigail and Wasabi pups at around the same time and then we will take a break.

Who knows - maybe we will have a mild winter and a great summer next year and we will do something like Rally and human mom will find her niche other than grooming and blogging and photography and.... hahahahaha

Jebi loves the smell of Fiona to the point it drives her CRAZY. It must remind him of his canine mom.

Turkey time is coming soon and remember you can FREEZE some of the cooked turkey and add it to the food or use it as treats. Our crew love it.

Our family is 5 ways to Sunday spread out so we will be doing Turkey time without the crew but yum turkey and stuffing sandwiches - gravy and puppies running around. Wow....and yes the pups ill be upwardly mobile then. HAHA


Hang Out Time

What the hey is THAT? She said - let's go to Aberfoyle and pick up something.

Yep that was Nathan's response. It sort of looked like - are you KIDDING.

No - I am not.

Well, the dawgs are enjoying the cooler weather and the sun. Everyone seems to be WAY relaxed - playing up a storm - visitors and our dawgs.

The dogs - when they play hard - crash and hang out like this.


Gad - a Bath!

Fiona is SOOO impressed that I took her away from her babies for a bath.

I waited till she fed them and then whisked her away and did it as fast as I could. She needed it!

But as you can see with the expression on her face - she was saying - ARE YOU KIDDING!

But human Mommy says - Fiona - you smell so beautiful and you feel so soft.

The rest of the crew was brushed - not washed cause we are getting rain this week. They all had a bath just before we went to the show so all are still good to go after a thorough brush and comb.

We are all still playing recovery from being away.
Have you snuggled your Havanese yet today?

This weekend we have a Tibetan Terrier and 2 Bichons staying the weekend. Oh boy! We are helping out a friend. A Tibetan Terrier looks like an overgrown Havanese to me. :-) Lots of grooming on the large size.


Agility Doors

Okay...we came back to a precious Havanese agility screen door built for us.

It's unique.

It's treasured but the dawgs keep running into the screen wondering where the doggie door is.

We are back.

Yeah - things are literally upside down but give it a day and we will be back to normal. Then we have 2 Bichons visiting us and a Tibetan Terrier for the weekend. Are we in for a roaring grand time.

The crew is wonderful.

Alex and Yvonne are amazing. I have a newly painted laundryroom - how cool. I am now only missing the dryer.

The pool was closed today and the crew had a wonderful time running like crazy over the cover. Even Flora was joining in on the fun.

Now to finish work - start in with grooming the crew and take a breath. Somehow - someway - Fiona gets a bath tomorrow. She totally needs it.

More tomorrow.>>


Treasure Loves the Show

Treasure received a best puppy each day in breed and opposites she has been here and yesterday got a best puppy in group. The judge said she really liked her - that she has a presence in the ring. She almost gave her breed and said so.

Well, give Treasure a treat and she will do amazing things for you - ROFL Okay - she does like this show business.

Last night I bathed both Kat and Treasure for the show and I have to admit bathing them in a tub with low pressure makes that bathing beauty that Sylvie is talking about more desirable. Plus Val says it saves in product in a big way. My back is aching after bathing and this &*^%$ bed. But they are clean and looking semi good this morning to go back to the show. I try to get better but hard to in a make shift situation.

It's way cold here - 0 degrees. I guess summer is gone. Hope Toronto is warmer. Gad - I miss my dawgs and pups. Tomorrow I get to see them again and update the pages again too if I can muster the energy.


Sudbury Show

It's a hard dawgs life hanging out on a table. One wouldn't think so but yesterday there were a few dogs that had mighty squabbles at the show so noisy was the operative word.

Paula's Phantom took the group. All specials are here but 1. Who would think in Sudbury but pro after pro is here.

The bed in the hotel is giving the humans really bad back aches. This human groomed a Tibetan Terrier yesterday - much the same as the Havanese - just more hair.

Treasure got best puppy in breed twice yesterday but that's it. It was a dawg show day and this human misses the pups and although we went out to eat at the Keg last night, there's nothing else we have done but show and washing and show. This human had it in mind to go to the mall - maybe tonight but not counting on it.

More later...


Treasure's Lack of Patience

Well, Treasure's heat is done but we are still keeping her at bay till she goes to Sudbury. We had a x-pen panel that wasn't attached and when Nathan started the feeding - she went into a frenzy pushing it out in front of her in a frantic state. She wants the food. Oh, and she is hardly starving but this gal would eat and eat and eat.

Treasure is so juvenile when it comes to food. We have to teach her patience.

We need to teach her not to throw herself up against the doors or pen as Nathan has the audacity to feed her last and she must be last or she will never 'get' this patience thing she needs to learn.

I compare it to a 2 year old's temper tantrum.

It's the funniest thing you ever did see and I need to get it on video but we do not laugh.

We do not give in and she gets fed last. If given a treat and she wants to take your hand off as she is too excited, we close our hand with the treat inside and wait till she calms down. No treat until she manages to contain herself and how long that takes depends on a given day. This gal is FOOD MOTIVATED.

The Treasured one is an alpha, albeit an immature one at this point. She has a lot to learn before she takes that status. To be an alpha in a pack, you must be a caring, loving and trusted one. You don't rule with might but trust has to be there not fear to work. Treasure tends to take what she wants when she wants and that doesn't go over big with some so she is an alpha in training.

There is no doubt what her destiny is - not because we want it to be - lord knows it would be easier if she was NOT an alpha but we are helping this process along.

Some say you must feed the alpha first but with her personality, if we did, she would never learn patience and patience is important.

Risa adores this child as she is strong willed. Risa has no patience for those that are not. She would have nothing to do with Shoshi for years but the pack has been good for Shoshi and she has risen in status. She has gained much respect in the pack.

We have a pack that works and with the number that we have, it is important that it does or we would be forced to rehome one that didn't and that would be a tough order.

The pack has a genuine love for each other and enjoyment. Each member has their role and is valued and you can tell. They even know that the Treasured one is a tad spoiled and a juvenile brat but that we are working on it. It's amazing how much trust they have in you when you know what you are doing to handle such issues like this.

Having an understanding of your pack is important when you bring visiting dogs into the mix. A working pack is good for even the most unbalanced dog. But you said dogs like Risa have no patience for those that are unstable but she sits back - does nothing and the critical pack members that bring a dog around works their magic. One of those that does that is Abigail. She is a calming dog and reels a new member in. As soon as she connects - the rest of the pack does.

Anyone who doesn't realize what a pack member's role is tends to miss critical things that help the pack stay on a positive path. We, as humans need to know who the Abigail's are and who the Treasures are and on and on so we can keep the pack happy and vibrant and working.

Treasure is a very smart dog but she rules with her emotions. We know humans like that and when your emotional part takes hold - we bring much stress - much conflict and that rarely works long term unless that emotion is tempered with keeping the family happy.

'Might is right' is NOT the way to go. Bully tactics do not gain you the deep relationships that make a family unit or a pack work. Plus - life is too short to have such stress - don't you think? It's certainly something we control - human and canine alike.


No Escaping

Just because Fiona had pups doesn't mean Mommy forgets to groom me. There is no justice in life. ROFL!!!

She's working her way through all if us.

Well, back to playing retrieve with Mommy and that boy dawg Jay. I try to beat him every time. It must be the competition streak in me.

PS: Heard Missy is getting roast chicken - yum!


Fiona Pups Coming

One pup born so far...more later as it progresses.


Bonding Time

Missy and Max have times in the day where we just have the two of them together.

Missy is joining Max's home on Tuesday and their relationship is developing quite nice.

Though Max enjoys Treasure more - they all know she is in heat and we have to keep them apart, it's for different reasons. All the males like Treasure now fixed or not.

Even neutered males act funny when a gal is in heat. Once a boy - always a boy?

But Max is starting to find the fun in Missy when there aren't so many distractions and so many playmates to choose from.

We have many too with Teddy, Cookie, Jay Jay and Max all visitors having so many relationships to build and so many walks to take. By Tuesday, Jay Jay will be the only guest and we will be down to just Saki. It will be great to have Jay Jay as he is a pup himself to hang out with the Saki.

We have had a full day with grooming, walks (Teddy can't figure out why he can't have 5) and play sessions. Teddy is the dawg that says - let's party guys and he gets them all going. Cookie is a good match for him too rising to his level.

Oh, it's been a full house this week and Fiona - well no walks for her - lazing around enjoying the moments before she has kids in tow - so to speak.

Grand kids had other things to do so tomorrow we have relatives - Jasper going home and crazy times here. It's going to be fun and it's great for the dawgs - I tell you. Conditioning is the best medicine if done right.

Wait til you see a picture of Jay Jay. He too is a cutie patootie!

Fiona hasn't started labour yet so no extra pups. I got a nap in as Cookie thought last night was party time. heheh

Much more tomorrow after crazy dawg sleeping arrangements. Will Treasure get out of heat - please. hehehehehe


Lazy Daze

It was one of those days. We had the sun shining bright - a puppy person who is also a dear friend and her husband who we are getting to know come over to drop off their dog so it can get acquainted with their new addition.

As you can see, Wasabi thought this was a grand proposition as she rather likes this Max character and we do too.

We also got another visit from Teddy who I think of as the party guy. He just knows how to have fun and doesn't stop till he falls fast asleep.

Then Cookie came a few days ago and took her time deciding who she would hang out with. She liked me the best. Nathan swears they all love him the best but shhh they don't. Cookie is Remy's brother and really found a great liking to Teddy and Max.

The whole pack is gelling. We had a marathon grooming session. Kat went swimming. No one else shown an interest and that meant wash for him.'s exciting and we have a puppy going home tomorrow and no signs of pups for Fiona yet. We are in waiting.

You know what is interesting? Max looks like a male Fiona. Wow... We haven't seen him for quite sometime so it was great to have him stay.

More on Talemaker Puppy Life>>


Pool Time and Hanging out

It's just pool hang out time today. It's too cold to swim and human Daddy is helping out stewarding at the show amongst anything else they need.

It means the human mom is all alone waiting for family to come over and doing pups and all that fun stuff.

Poor Treasure is in heat so we are juggling dogs and Kat is - well not happy without being with one of his gals. Guys...they just have to deal. Good things com to those that wait.

Puppies love the kitchen but they adore outside.

Gad can they run up and down the stairs these days.

We heard from our friends at Chicadoro that a couple of her dogs got nice wins in the Maritime. We are so excited for them.

Pups and human may take a nap and the big dawgs too. It's one of those days before the crowd hits.


Havanese Smiling

Play sessions are really important with the crew. If anything, they can't wait till the moments appear where they can run-like-hell, roll around like banshees and just smile and smile.

Do Havanese smile? YES! All dogs do. You just have to give them something to smile about.

It's easy to do and if you make them smile you end up smiling!

Get out your camera and find that smile.


Emptier House

Fred, one of our guests is going home tonight. He's just had a bath and decided to go outside and roll. Is he telling me something or WHAT?

Fred had a really great time with the pups. He wasn't totally sure of them at first as Wasabi - like any mom will do till she knows you are okay - well she guarded them and got the pack barking - rallying them around her but that went rather fast and Fred was out playing with the pups, the other dogs including Kat, Shoshi and Abigail and the last couple of days - Treasure.

He's become so comfie that you can find him relaxing on his back a great deal. It's rather nice.

We had Missy and her mom come to visit for a grooming session and I don't think her mom needs me any longer. hehe It was good to show her what I use so she can try it. She also got down on the floor and played with the monkeys. Did I take pictures - sigh wasn't thinking about it.

It's hot - want to swim. We had all the dogs out for runs etc. but Daddy has to go set up for the Richmond Green Dog show in Richmond Hill and we will be there Thursday and Friday at 10am. If you are around, stop by and say hello.

Puppies are snoozing and we have increased the x-pen space. More on Talemaker Puppy Life.


Chase Me Game

The first things puppies learn is the chase me game and they find it immensely fun. It's okay for them to play it with each other and even you but they need to know the rules that you control the game.

What does that mean?

When the game is over, you shouldn't have to chase them to get them to come back in.

At first you have to learn to be creative as even 8 week old puppies will find that running to stay outside is more fun than anything else you have in mind so you may have to get them to chase you and then you stop the game by picking them up - giving them all sorts of snuggles, perhaps a treat and making the game fun to come to you.

Obedience classes are very important as you learn to get a strong recall. That's important for many reasons.

Today we had swimming, chasing, and rolling around and mucking it up fun. The pups were finding solutions on how to get from one point to the next. Find out more about their adventures at Talemaker Puppy Life.


Long Day

Ever feel it's a dawg day some days? Ever wonder what that means? I think dawgs would wonder if it was a human's day - don't ya think?

The weather was downright cool this morning and the dogs LOVED it and then it heated up. When we get Fall like weather- it somehow invigorates them but when it gets hot - well they lay right down like this and try to cool off.

When the puppies go to their forever homes, I will start weeding and get the dogs working helping me - yeah - right!

It's good to dream..dawg dreams!


Specialty and Home

Here's Daddy at the Specialty and Treasure. They rather look good together.

They were in great company when they made the cut of a large class and came in 4th but that wasn't what this was about. Honest!

Why did I tell the Treasured one and Daddy to go to the show when we had puppies and I could have used the help?

Well, it was to meet new Havanese people, find potential stud dogs for our gals and get the Treasured one bonded to Daddy and not me.

It worked.

She came in - gave me a kiss and then was all over Daddy.

It's tough being the mom around here in a sea of show dogs as the handler takes priority - them and their relationship with the dogs but I love them both so that's okay.

PS: I have my Fiona back since Daddy was gone but she's in a state of false pregnancy - tummy and all. They get sucky and cuddly then.

Yes, you got it right - they change allegiance at times. They love you both but rely on one more at times - usually the food server. :-) So - share that duty.

We are really glad the Treasured one and Daddy are home. That means we can get the pups swimming and do lead training this week. How cool is that?

Our visitor Fred is having a rip roaring time with the pups and with Kat, Abigail and now Treasure.