Treasure's Lack of Patience

Well, Treasure's heat is done but we are still keeping her at bay till she goes to Sudbury. We had a x-pen panel that wasn't attached and when Nathan started the feeding - she went into a frenzy pushing it out in front of her in a frantic state. She wants the food. Oh, and she is hardly starving but this gal would eat and eat and eat.
Treasure is so juvenile when it comes to food. We have to teach her patience.
We need to teach her not to throw herself up against the doors or pen as Nathan has the audacity to feed her last and she must be last or she will never 'get' this patience thing she needs to learn.
I compare it to a 2 year old's temper tantrum.
It's the funniest thing you ever did see and I need to get it on video but we do not laugh.
We do not give in and she gets fed last. If given a treat and she wants to take your hand off as she is too excited, we close our hand with the treat inside and wait till she calms down. No treat until she manages to contain herself and how long that takes depends on a given day. This gal is FOOD MOTIVATED.
The Treasured one is an alpha, albeit an immature one at this point. She has a lot to learn before she takes that status. To be an alpha in a pack, you must be a caring, loving and trusted one. You don't rule with might but trust has to be there not fear to work. Treasure tends to take what she wants when she wants and that doesn't go over big with some so she is an alpha in training.
There is no doubt what her destiny is - not because we want it to be - lord knows it would be easier if she was NOT an alpha but we are helping this process along.
Some say you must feed the alpha first but with her personality, if we did, she would never learn patience and patience is important.
Risa adores this child as she is strong willed. Risa has no patience for those that are not. She would have nothing to do with Shoshi for years but the pack has been good for Shoshi and she has risen in status. She has gained much respect in the pack.
We have a pack that works and with the number that we have, it is important that it does or we would be forced to rehome one that didn't and that would be a tough order.
The pack has a genuine love for each other and enjoyment. Each member has their role and is valued and you can tell. They even know that the Treasured one is a tad spoiled and a juvenile brat but that we are working on it. It's amazing how much trust they have in you when you know what you are doing to handle such issues like this.
Having an understanding of your pack is important when you bring visiting dogs into the mix. A working pack is good for even the most unbalanced dog. But you said dogs like Risa have no patience for those that are unstable but she sits back - does nothing and the critical pack members that bring a dog around works their magic. One of those that does that is Abigail. She is a calming dog and reels a new member in. As soon as she connects - the rest of the pack does.
Anyone who doesn't realize what a pack member's role is tends to miss critical things that help the pack stay on a positive path. We, as humans need to know who the Abigail's are and who the Treasures are and on and on so we can keep the pack happy and vibrant and working.
Treasure is a very smart dog but she rules with her emotions. We know humans like that and when your emotional part takes hold - we bring much stress - much conflict and that rarely works long term unless that emotion is tempered with keeping the family happy.
'Might is right' is NOT the way to go. Bully tactics do not gain you the deep relationships that make a family unit or a pack work. Plus - life is too short to have such stress - don't you think? It's certainly something we control - human and canine alike.
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