Rain or Shine - Still Running
Sunday, September 27, 2009 at 9:37AM
Darlah Potechin in havanese puppies toronto, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

Nathan still manages to run his heart out with the dogs and they ADORE it!

The mom needs to do the same but health wise - body and emotional for both human and canine - can you think of a better way to bond?

It's his thing just like swimming with Kat is and it's nice to capture it in photo.

Wasabi went into a funk after Saki left.

She can't get near Fiona's pups when Fiona is around though we have had her up close and personal when Fiona is not in the room.

She really is excited about Fiona's pups and after Saki left - she just hung out and looked as if Saki was still in the back yard. She looked and looked then sighed and went to sleep. We will have to have more of her pups come to visit as she does enjoy watching them.

She is due to go into another heat in a month or 2 and we will be breeding her again as she seems to be complete with the pups. It's nice. We may have Abigail and Wasabi pups at around the same time and then we will take a break.

Who knows - maybe we will have a mild winter and a great summer next year and we will do something like Rally and human mom will find her niche other than grooming and blogging and photography and.... hahahahaha

Jebi loves the smell of Fiona to the point it drives her CRAZY. It must remind him of his canine mom.

Turkey time is coming soon and remember you can FREEZE some of the cooked turkey and add it to the food or use it as treats. Our crew love it.

Our family is 5 ways to Sunday spread out so we will be doing Turkey time without the crew but yum turkey and stuffing sandwiches - gravy and puppies running around. Wow....and yes the pups ill be upwardly mobile then. HAHA

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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