Disclosures Havanese Style
Thursday, October 1, 2009 at 8:14AM
Darlah Potechin in havanese puppies toronto, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

Well, human Mommy went outside this morning as human Daddy USUALLY and USUALLY is the key stays in bed a tad longer than human Mommy. You figure out what the USUALLY word means.

If you haven't noticed, it's become quite chilly. So, outside with the crew I go in a bathrobe. Well - it beats a fall coat - much longer but please. Hey, I am soooooo stylin' it aint funny. Yeah - I am howling with laughter.

It wouldn't be half as bad but 3 dogs came downstairs and off I went to make sure they do their business. I come back in and 2 more are waiting so back out I go. Oh - that's not all of them? Nope. By the time I am down with the next batch more has showed up. Now I am fighting some kind of a something so by the time I was done, I was chilled to the bone.

I then cleaned up the kitchen. Our son who watches the pups at night tends to leave a few things. Anyone who has kids 'gets' this. He says he doesn't want to wake the dogs and I do get that as our bedroom is over the kitchen.

I then climb into the puppy pen after cleaning up, take out the stuff in the whelping box after moving the puppies outside of the box and proceed to clean up. This will be easier next week when they go up and downstairs. I start yet another wash. When one has puppies there are many washes and people are often saying - when can I get my clothes in. It's like waiting at the laundromat. heh

Nathan comes down, gets the food ready for the dogs. He starts handing it out and ooops one of the bowls fell all over the floor. Treasure goes in for the Hoover vacuum treatment.

Our day has just begun. I still have to wash Shoshi and Risa. I was too under the weather yesterday though that never has stopped me before - maybe it's called 'under the weather' procrastination. Sounds better than LAZY!

How has YOUR day started?

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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