Bonding Time

Missy and Max have times in the day where we just have the two of them together.
Missy is joining Max's home on Tuesday and their relationship is developing quite nice.
Though Max enjoys Treasure more - they all know she is in heat and we have to keep them apart, it's for different reasons. All the males like Treasure now fixed or not.
Even neutered males act funny when a gal is in heat. Once a boy - always a boy?
But Max is starting to find the fun in Missy when there aren't so many distractions and so many playmates to choose from.
We have many too with Teddy, Cookie, Jay Jay and Max all visitors having so many relationships to build and so many walks to take. By Tuesday, Jay Jay will be the only guest and we will be down to just Saki. It will be great to have Jay Jay as he is a pup himself to hang out with the Saki.
We have had a full day with grooming, walks (Teddy can't figure out why he can't have 5) and play sessions. Teddy is the dawg that says - let's party guys and he gets them all going. Cookie is a good match for him too rising to his level.
Oh, it's been a full house this week and Fiona - well no walks for her - lazing around enjoying the moments before she has kids in tow - so to speak.
Grand kids had other things to do so tomorrow we have relatives - Jasper going home and crazy times here. It's going to be fun and it's great for the dawgs - I tell you. Conditioning is the best medicine if done right.
Wait til you see a picture of Jay Jay. He too is a cutie patootie!
Fiona hasn't started labour yet so no extra pups. I got a nap in as Cookie thought last night was party time. heheh
Much more tomorrow after crazy dawg sleeping arrangements. Will Treasure get out of heat - please. hehehehehe
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