
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in rockhurst treasures talemaker (31)


Treasure Visits Flurry

Treasure was at a show today and although she didn't place (she's our star always), we always try to reward her with something fun. Today it was visiting Flurry at Yvonne's house before she went to her forever home tomorrow - not Treasure - Flurry.

Boy did Treasure have a blast.

Today was the first day that we left the pups and all the dogs in the care of our 20 something old son. He did an amazing job. It was thanks to him that we were able to visit Yvonne, do a dog show and visit Penny and her pups. Penny's pups are 4 weeks Monday and ours are 4 weeks tonight and early Sunday.

We came home to many kisses - exhausted and knowing it's almost bedtime - well not really but it sure feels like it. Can't wait to snuggle and sleep with the entire crew except Wasabi who tends to stay watch on the pups. Pups..well we will fill you in on Talemaker Puppy Life.


Havanese Louis Visit

Louis - an old time boarder came over with a new haircut. I think it looks smashing. When Fiona is done showing...hmmmm They are about the same size. What was interesting is Louis has a lot of grey overtone and grey on his face.

Louis tends to get along with everyone. He is so highly socialized that he knows how to react to all types of dogs. His parents take him to the park daily.

Louis is a Tiny/Paris pup and perhaps he will get to see his mom while he is here. He will be here til late August 2nd.

Louis is always a wonderful addition to the crew no matter who is here visiting. He's one of those calming dogs.

Treasure is off to a show this weekend just for Saturday. Nathan is taking her for one day events just to keep her feet wet before she heads to Chicago in August. She decided to jump in the pool. You got that right - jump in the pool. She needed a bath but NOT this early.


Internet Down: The Havs Life

Well, someone attempted to send Nathan a HUGE file and it brought us down. No Internet all day. We are finally back up and collecting mail and responding as fast as we can.

But that's okay. We got pool time in - loving time with the dawgs and we are enjoying the puppy breath and the pups walking better and better as each day goes by. They are also growing leaps and bounds.

Tomorrow is a busy day. Louis is coming. We have Treasure getting washed for her show Saturday. Nathan packed for the trip. He's gone late Friday till late Saturday. Zack and Coco going home Sunday...sniff.

I looked out across the pool today and said that bag of weeds and clippings HAS to go. It's been sitting there for so long - well okay just this week but that's our priorities. Plus...shh I think it's rained so it may have to be rebagged.

Check out our slide show on Talemaker Puppy Life for the latest pix of the pups.

Kat's demeanor is now as if he has had the best massage in the world. He's relaxed. Nothing to worry about - no gals in heat. is back to normal...whatever normal is.


Hide and Seek Human!

Our visitor Missy is having a great time. She loves our Japanese maple as it's a great spot that they can all hang out and you can't find them. I tell you this as I was out and turned the equipment on for the pool and hmm 4 dogs are gone.

Our yard is enclosed so I assumed they went under the deck so off I went to look. They like it under there as they can run in one side and out the other playing games with the rest. But no..not there. It was quiet too so hmm where did they go...must be in our below ground patio. So, I walked up the walkway and noticed the rustling of the leaves and thought maybe it's a bird. Just like little kids playing a game, they all pounced out and ran after each other. Ah..the crew came up with a new game and Missy taught it to them. I just love it!

Then our son came over with his gorgeous wife and they were playing with the Treasure. This cat toy - well let''s just say since she arrived in our lives and to this day - she adores this toy. She was having a total blast with it and they were too watching and participating!

Really - Treasure's hair was brushed today. hehehe

Look at Havanese Life if you want to see the latest pictures of the pups. They are growing - crawling - pigment is starting to come in on their noses. It looks so funny when it starts coming in but we will blink and it will be there - you watch and then eyes, ears - walking - all of it. It's going to be so much fun following this crew.


Treasure Playing With Pups

Treasure got to see the Kat/Lola pups this weekend and she was wondering - what are these little ones about.

She best get used to it as she will have 6 little ones from Wasabi to play with soon enough.

Yvonne and Alex was gracious as ever and we really appreciate their hospitality.

Tomorrow is a busy day...and photos and Hapy Father's Day going out to all you dads!


Meshing Packmates

What happens if you acquire a second Havanese and it doesn't play with your existing one?

This is how we have so many dogs but before you go, oh no - we have learned a thing or two since then.

First acquiring a puppy is always a hit unless your dawg is well into its senior years or is in serious pain. Sometimes even then, the puppy creates an enthusiasm for life as that is what puppies are all about.

This means it is easier to add a puppy if your goal is to create pals and fun in their lives but it also means you are back training etc. But if your first one is trained, good news - it's easier with the 2nd one.

Meshing an older dog is often more difficult. Some have lost that play be it yours or the new addition and you have to create opportunities to lay the groundwork for creating that spark in each of them so they find it enjoyable. With 2 dogs that have lost their play, it's not as simple as putting them together and just figuring if they like each other they will. We all get complacent and if you are a couch potato, we often have to see why we shouldn't be. This means it is up to you.

Shoshi was acquired as a pup but a tad too early (it's why we won't let our pups go early along with a number of other reasons). She was a pup who needed a lot of conditioning to people, other dogs etc. Oh she is a lovey from day one but we had to slow condition her to other dogs and people. We had to build up her self esteem and slow condition her in a positive way. She continues to change even as she gets older and the pack has been good for her. The puppies such as Treasure are relentless and not in a bad way. They insist on getting played with and as you can see, she accommodates but Treasure is an alpha even at 7 months. It means she often gets things first so we throw the item out and give Shoshi a lead and let the Treasure go. It empowers Shoshi and gives Treasure a part of the game - trying to get it from another, that she often doesn't have if we didn't create the opportunity.

That's what it is about - figuring out how to make the game fun for all - giving opportunities and mixing it up. But for Shoshi and all the rest of the oldsters - a puppy having fun has been good for them. It's as if a light goes on and they go - wow I remember this was fun and suddenly they are recapturing a missed opportunity.

There is nothing like more than one Havanese and I mean that. You can play with them all you want but there's something that's special - seeing 2 or more together - creating relationships - making you laugh.

But don't give up on the older dog. If you remember Kooba - well she was adopted by Jean and Quito and Kooba are the best of pals playing up a storm. You can play with your Havanese but you can't play with them like another Havanese. It's different. It's fun.

Sure you can have just one but two are often the best thing you ever did for you and for them. But you have to want it for the right reasons and you have to be willing to train and if you are - wow - you are in for a fun ride of two vs. one.

More later.>>


Hot Havanese

Oh my gad is it hot today! Mommy was washing all the doggies today - well part of them...Shoshi, Risa, Kat, Fiona and Abigail - 5 dawgies - yeouch and then she worked and is still working but taking a break to post this thread.

Treasure as you can see thinks she is all that. I have to laugh at her sometimes but she really is quite full of herself. She just loves the focus being on her but she's not so crazy about this hot weather.

She's a winter puppy so she LOVES the cold but this hot stuff is new to her. Will she survive...will we survive? Always something to complain about - :-)

Tomorrow we get to was who? NO ONE!!

Happy Thursday for dawgs and humans alike!


Oversized Havanese or WHAT?

This weekend someone asked Nathan to show a 130 lb dog. Can you guess what it was?

When the judge said run it around twice, Nathan got his full workout.

Nathan really enjoyed the experience though a dog that size - when it wants your treats - well who is going to win? You, of course but it gives new meaning into getting your dog trained. This one was a rather well trained special who already had his championship.

Well, today was a catch-up day with much grooming. Due to rain, and not being here - well I had work to do and - well sometimes they say - there are days like this....

Can we have another day?


I'm Going to Get You Havanese Style

Who says big dogs can't play with little dogs just fine? Treasure just adores her Terra and I can understand why. She has the patience unlike any others despite Treasure acting like the puppy she is. She yanks on Terra. She jumps at her till she says okay, I will play and I do believe she loves it!

Are two dogs better than one? You bet but 2 Havanese can do that famous run-like-hell game unlike any other but still the Terra tries - and oh does she try.

The weather is getting better and it's time to take photos. Look for photo opportunities. You will be glad you did!


Talemaker Havanese Brags

We had a busy weekend this week with good company and fun moments - like Fiona's sister getting her first 2 points this weekend.

We are excited for Yvonne BIGTIME! Fiona thinks her sister is so fabulous dahlink!

Treasure and Fiona and Nathan had a fab weekend - Fiona finishing her championship - which isn't all that easy to do - it just looks easy to some, I might add and Treasure collecting enough points now to put her halfway to her championship at 6 months old.

You can't show them till 6months and Treasure just turned that.

One thing that has become evident that this showing is a roller coaster ride. You are excited as everything comes together or you are shaking your head wondering what went wrong or you are realizing you are always on a learning curve or all the above. There's more to show handling that putting a lead on a dog.

You have to do classes to perfect your skill and just when you think everything is perfect, the real show comes around, a balloon pops - the judge doesn't see what you do, your competition leaves a show early so you don't get points needed - and then some.

Then of course there is the grooming and that's a learning curve unto itself. It's not easy. You make a lot of mistakes and learn from them. But you get there you think and then you learn some more and you are always perfecting and that is what is true in the ring as well.

What is evident in this photo above is Nathan has a good time with his dogs. He laughs in the ring, he has a great attitude and it shows.

None of this is easy and not all dogs are meant to be show dogs. Some are meant to romp and be dawgs - perhaps get into rally or agility and just enjoy life but some dogs - well they just think this runway stuff is all that. I don't get it but it's true. Not all dogs in the ring have that something extra that makes you smile but some are born with it - some grow into it and some have better things to do. None of that is right or wrong. It's just life.

Thank you for allowing us to brag as we are so very proud of Nathan and his gals. They are everything to us and they make me proud.

Now that Fiona is a champion, I can woo her over to my side. tee hee... I can hear Nathan saying - not likely but we shall see. It's hard for me as I have to love them, care for them but try not to allow them to get too close as a bond with a handler and their dog can make all the difference in it all but when they achieve that championship, you can decide to go on and special them or be proud and find another passion for them and have fun.

I just adore the Havanese and those that do not have one or two in their lives (we have 7), well you don't know what you are missing. It's hard to explain but it's truly amazing.

Thanks again - and now for more shows and more challenges and more ups and downs and on to perfecting our skills I gather. That's life!


Playing Havanese Wet Stylin'

With all these wet times that spring brings - I should be going - oh no - its raining but I get my camera out and click away and enjoy and worry about the dirt and muck later.

They come in wet and mucky, I take towels, put them in my lap and brush away unless the mud is so thick that I have to dip their feet and underside in water.

Dogs have to be allowed to be dogs even when you have show dogs. It makes the process harder but it does our hearts good to know they are emotionally balanced and having a grand time.

Havanese can and do swim - not all like it but many of ours do. We tend to make sure the pups swim if we have a litter in the summer to get them lovin' it. But at this time of the year, they run on top of our safety cover - all of the dogs and create this trampoline effect. It's fun to listen to and watch. Nathan even walks on it so we know if its safe for him, it's safe for the dogs.

This will be Treasures first summer. I can't wait to see if we have another swimmer. Are you in that summer state of mind? I can't get into it - yet! Shows to do - championships to achieve - and much more exciting times are in store.


Fun Havanese Style

Treasure really is a treasured soul and likes to eat her human daddy's ears. She does it in a way that makes that human laugh and laugh.

How does one try to watch TV when your little one is doing this?

Today was a wonderfully warm day for spring and the last of our visitors went home - Milo. Sassy and Coach went home the day before and Louis as well. We had a full house - a delightful ball of Havanese fun.

Before Milo went home, he rolled 5 ways to Sunday with Treasure to make sure he didn't appear clean after I bathed him. That's what life at Talemaker Havanese is like and hey - would you want it to be any other way? Not us.

Have fun - let your havs help with the gardening. You will either laugh or pull your hair out. Let me know which one.


Treasure Visits Eye on Fashion

Treasure had an outing today at a really cool local Woman's boutique called 'Eye on Fashion' here in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

What's so special about this store is not just the to die for clothes but that they have a resident Havanese called Jazzy.

Nathan dropped in with Treasure and Dima and Tanya played retrieve with her and a hacky sack.

He even left her there for a small time while he ran errands as a test to see how she would do and the owners of the boutique (friends of ours) were gracious enough to watch her. I hear that she didn't even look back but played and played.

It was great to see that the little one could find the comfort of this special boutique and look so deliriously happy. It has to be due to Treasure becoming balanced and special people such as Dima and Tanya that own it and wink, of course that handsome guy Jazzy. For those of you that follow along here, Jazzy and Quito are littermates.

Well, we are off to a Total Recall Workshop with Fiona this evening. She's been out of obedience for quite some time. Hopefully we will have more stories tomorrow after fun is had. We already know that there will be at least three other Havanese in the class. How much fun is that?!


Havanese Boarding & the Changes

Remy's family just came to pick him up and only Louis remains till the 24th. We will miss the little guy. As you can see, they (Remy, Abigail and Treasure in this photo, played their little hearts out and now our crew is fast asleep.

There's nothing better watching a bunch of Havanese in full play.

Today, for the 1st time Fiona was acting strange with strangers. It's a reminder that no matter how old they are - socialize them. We will be getting everyone and anyone to hold Miss Fiona til that strangeness is gone. The training and molding is never done.

What have you done for your Havanese today?


Havanese Antics

Some dawgs always get into trouble. Meet our Treasured one. She just took out Risa's hair tie that I put in this morning and usually Risa would have put her in her place but I think she is enjoying her antics.

Tonight we have Louis coming for a visit til the 24th and then we have Remy coming just for the weekend.

We really haven't seen Louis for quite awhile so we are really looking forward to his visit. We are also looking forward to meeting Remy.

That Treasured one LOVES all the visitors. Shhhhh We won't tell her that the humans do too.


Anything for a Treat

Treasure is highly treat motivated. Heck she is food motivated. You should see her when it is dinner or breakfast time. It's as if she just was told that treat is a million dollars.

Well, it was bath times today. Got the Abs to do still. Kat, Fiona and Wasabi had theirs - Abigail will get hers next and tomorrow Rufus gets his and Gina gets hers on Tuesday morning before she goes.

So many little time and where did that weekend go? Still Nathan did a marathon walking the crew and then some. I couldn't go as I was attached to the grooming room. Did you get out and enjoy the warmer weather? I hope so!

More tomorrow and a clean Rufus before he goes.


Shakin' and Rollin' Havanese

Well today is almost weekend time and Jazmyn, Lola and Marlee are going home and Risa is coming home. Lots of baths and sad Havanese but Rufus will be here for the weekend starting tomorrow and then Gina goes to her handler - sniff and Ruby and Louis will be coming. We even get Lil' Man now known as Milo back next month for a visit. We can't wait.

There's never a dull moment around this place. Treasure can attest to that as she shakes her head after coming off of a huge play session.

Catch you tomorrow with purty photos of our clean Havanese visitors going home.


Dog Show Reports

Fiona won Winners Bitch so closer to her championship. More tomorrow after the show.

We are EXHAUSTED but everyone judges alike oohed and ahhed over that Treasure. I can't blame them but hey I LOVE her. She just thinks she is a daddy's gal.

No points today - Fiona was too excited. She was so excited she just couldn't contain herself.

It happens but hey she's enjoying the shows now at least. hehehehehe

We have a virtual ice skating ring outside. It's muck, ice and all sorts of fun outside and Fiona loves it.

Fiona was so happy to be home as she was able to muck it up in the wet and dirt. We believe in allowing our dogs to be dogs.

Mommy - don't tell me you are going to clean me again - please. heh

Treasure loved being at the shows too but she wasn't crazy about 2 pugs that growled at her and the owner/handler was clueless. Oh well - it didn't seem to bother her much.

Tomorrow handling class with who knows who. :-)


We're Going to the Orangeville Show

They tell me that I am going to the show today but all I want is food, food, food. I think that is better than any old show - don't you?

They say it is supposed to rain. Pray that there isn't any til after Fiona shows then Mommy can wash her then. Otherwise, it's wrap her up like a mummy time.

More later.>>


Nothing is Safe With THIS Havanese

Well we are off to the show this weekend and this little Treasure will be staying home everyday except Sunday when she will be visiting the show too.

Will we have any plants to come home to after she gets to stay home? Not sure...heh But we love her anyways.

If you are in the Toronto area, do come by and say hello to us. We are socializing the Treasure on Sunday to everything show related and we can use all of you putting your hands on her. I promise - she won't chew your buttons off.

The show is at the Markham Fairgrounds at Elgin Mills and McCowan. We are on in the ring on Friday around 3, Saturday 930ish - same Sunday and Monday. Hope to see you there!