
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in rockhurst treasures talemaker (31)


Too Wet Outside For THIS Havanese

Can a gal ever have too many toys? I don't think so!

What you didn't see is Treasure taking a nose dive into this toy box and coming out from under and Fiona barking at her as if a monster was coming up for air. Where's the camera when those things happen and you know what I mean. I swear - the shots that should have been caught.

Well this Saturday, we have Risa going into the vets to get a growth frozen and dug out. It's nothing to worry about. She's getting a tad older in age and this was one of those things like a pimple that grows and breaks off but doesn't entirely but gets caught in the brush.

Treasure has her last class this week and maybe her first handling class a week Monday. We shall see. Oh and don't be lazy like me. Brush the little ones after they come in from the rain so they don't get knots. hehe. I am about to do that with Fiona.


Class, Practice and Visitors

Off to class again tonight and I have to get this thing called practice in but we have had a way crazy house - lots of visiting dogs.

Today, Shoshi and Risa are getting cut down and they are bound to look WAY different. One thing about haircuts, they always grow out.

In case you do not realize - we are in a deep freeze and that means your little ones shouldn't be going out for walks longer than 5 minutes. You can tell when its too much as they will lift their paws for relief. Get them up and inside then.
Here at Talemaker Havanese we are hoping this cold weather is a thing of the past soon.


Happy New Year's Eve

Here's the crew - well almost the crew. (minus Whitney our old lady retriever and we also had Oreo before he went home and Louis who goes home tonight.)

They are waiting to usher in the New Year.

I try to have fun with the camera and dogs our our passion. I went outside first - sat at the end of the deck and waiting for the crew to come running out towards me all to capture the money shot of Treasure flying in the air, pumping for all she was worth to catch up to the rest of the crew.

Here, Treasure playing catch up.

It's moments like these that make my heart beat a tad faster and my mouth curl up in a smile as I realize what life is truly about!

From the home of Talemaker Havanese to yours, we wish you the very best new year!


Off to the Vets

We are off to the vets today through a huge snowstorm that may materialize or may not.

Treasure still thinks she is one of the big guys - go figure.

Rocky loves playing with Fiona and Treasure and Benny is coming tomorrow. Benny is a pup from Risa's last litter that is all grown up now.

Back to wondering where my camera is as Fiona, Treasure and Rocky are playing up a storm while the rest of us watch.

More later.>>


Fiona & Treasure Mucking It Up

Just thought I would share how very afraid Treasure is to play with the bigger guys (Fiona) - NOT! We hope you enjoy the rollover attitide of the Treasure and see Blazin' before he went south.


Seasonal Stylin' 101

The Treasure is missing her boy toy Blazin' who just left for warmer climates earlier this afternoon.

That Blazin' guy was getting all sorts of attention so now it's my turn to shine.

I am simply an understated beauty. I'm a gal with style and I like diamonds and cashmere and all that bling and soft stuff. HA! He's a guy who I just - well liked watching him but maybe we will strut our stuff together at the nationals. We shall see.

It's rather cold. It's sort of funny as I am not all that crazy about it being this cold but Blazin - well he loves it and now he will be baking in that delicious sunny experience. Oh well, my daddy promised me snuggles and nappies and I rather adore that!

More later...


Snow Melting Moments

The snow is melting and Rocky seems to love playing with the little ones. Our problem is he is so fast and energetic that its hard to capture him. I keep getting partial shots of him but we will try - try again. His parents are in Costa Rica missing him. But rest assured - he is having a grand time at doggy camp.

Rocky seems to be totally smitten with Abigail. He also loves snow diving on the cover but today - warm rain and snow is fast disappearing as you can see in this photo. It means much brushing.

Gidget, our other visitor will be heading home in 2 days from now and is a total lovee. She sits with me and watches TV while I groom her each night and tends to look at me cross-eyed. I am not so sure that she is happy with this grooming business but we are going gentle and treating and massaging her at the end. That she ADORES.

Holly is coming for Blazin today so tomorrow we will be down to just Treasure. Will life ever be the same?

Oh and Treasure - well she's indeed an alpha - challenging Fiona and sometimes winning. Oh my - are we in trouble or what? Well - it will surely be fun times here.

Off to get a puppy fix and get some shut-eye then work.

More later...


Havanese Puppy Moments EXPOSED

The first time you have a child the chances are you got up 72 times that first night to check the baby.

Every new parent I ever met did so.

Last night Darlah and I slipped into our usual routine. She went to sleep in anticipation of an early start to the day and I checked the puppies 72 times. (ps: Darlah here - so did I but he never seems to know I didn't get much sleep - heh) I get little sleep through the night but we know that the puppies are safe.

Darlah takes over at daybreak and in theory I finally sleep for a few more hours. Of course my secret hidden agenda was that I spent the night bonding with Treasure and Darlah didn't. shhhh.

I know everyone's kid or puppy is the very best most awesome thing since kids or puppies were invented. We raised many of those children, the most wonderful creatures in the world, until they became teenagers. Then they knew everything and no longer needed us. We've done the same with puppies. But I have to say right now that Treasure and Blazin are simply amazing.

As you know, our Havanese sleep on the bed. Last night that meant that eight Havanese, including Gidget and Rocky (visitors) were sleeping on the bed PLUS the two puppies. Darlah placed a soft dog's donut bed on our bed between us and put the puppies into it to sleep. After 10 minutes or so I gave up and took the puppies back down to the floor where we played a roaring good game of retriever and tag and wrestle for about another half hour until they calmed down enough that I figured I could try again. I put them both back into that donut bed. Blazin curled up and went to sleep. Treasure decided no way she's sleeping in this thing and crawled out and up against me. Oh oh. Shoshi was displaced. Jockeying for position continued throughout the night. At one point I had Risa on the pillow at the top of the bed, head pointed towards me, guarding her daddy. Rocky was sleeping on the top of my own pillow, head snuggled against the side of my neck on the right. On the left was the donut bed with Blazin and my left arm leaning against him from the outside so that I could feel movement if he decided to go walkabout. Just below the donut was Treasure, against my chest. Just below Treasure was Shoshi who was not happy with Treasure being so close to her space but wasn't quite sure how to deal with it. Kat was sleeping on his back between my legs. Abigail was sleeping on the outside of my left leg and keeping an eye out for Rocky who was prepared to play with her 24/7. Fiona was either up against Darlah on her other side or between us. Wasabi was at the top of the second bed all by herself, pregnant, on her back, snuggled up against a pillow with a chew toy beside her head. Gidget was a foot below her.

All of the above was subject to change at any time.

We also showed Blazin and Treasure how to go up the doggy steps onto the bed. By this morning our 10 week old Treasure and Holly's 11 week old Blazin were running up and down the stairs, on and off the bed, at will.

Darlah took them downstairs around 5am. The puppies went outside, did their business, then got into some serious play time.

I came down and fed them all at 7. The puppies inhaled their food. Once again Treasure figured she'd help Blazin eat his bowl of food and then work on hers and once again I placed her back in front of her own bowl. When she was done eating, in a time that would make Risa proud, she then shoved herself into Blazin bowl pushing him right out of her way. Too bad for her, Blazin had already cleaned out his bowl too. That's ok, Treasure is nothing but optimistic. A minute later I saw her trying to push with her head against the head of our almost 14 year old Retriever Whitney who easily outweighs her by 75 lbs, to get to Whitney's bowl. She'd have about as much luck pushing against a brick wall then to move Whitney off her food. But I have to say I love the attitude.

Inside, outside, off the deck into the snow, on the deck, around the paths, back in the house, the puppies played for 4 hours and now have finally been placed in the x-pen we set up beside Darlah's desk and gone to sleep. I might climb into the x-pen and join them.



Road Trippin' Havanese Puppy Style

We started road tripping at 11ish yesterday and didn't get to Beth's (Rockhurst Havanese) till 730ish. The freeway was closed. We stopped to eat but that was about it. But was it worth it? Yep!

Beth was a gracious host. We got to be surrounded by dogs and we got to take Treasure (pictured here) and Blazin' who leaves at the start of next week. Holly is flying up to get him and will she be excited.

On our way back home, we stopped at Yvonne's for a few minutes and the pup duo had a socialization moment. Yvonne's old lady Beardie is so great with the little ones.

We got home - ate, played with pups and then Rocky came to visit. He's settling in greatly and he happens to look a lot like his dad - Coolio.

Well - we had an exciting time these last 2 days. Will the pups sleep in bed or in their play pen or? What do you think?

We will let you know tomorrow!


A Treasure is Coming Soon

Hi - my name is Rockhurst Treasures Talemaker. You can call me Treasure for short. All my short pack mates - well not my pack mates but my pals (I was a singleton) are all going home and I will remain with that fab guy Copper aka Blazin;.

They tell me I will be road tripping it with him to a new home at Talemaker Havanese and Blazin' will be travelling where the sun shines warm in Florida a week later.

They say my humans will be oohing and ahing over me on the 11th and taking me home on the 12th. Then that night - on the 12th I get to meet a dog that looks like my dad, who shares the same dad as me - Coolio but different mom. That Coolio guy also happens to be Wasabi's puppies 'to be' dad. Now, how cool is that? Exciting times to be had with this visitor.

Now back to having fun at Rockhurst.

Shhh - they don't have a clue that I am going to be a force that will rock their world and Abs - well she is going to be delighted to have a puppy around and so are the rest of the crew.

Exciting times are in store for the Talemaker crew. Visitors, Treasure and puppies - all this year - wow! These humans at Talemaker are over the top excited!


Learning Havanese Style

Well, they tell me that a little one called 'Treasure' is joining us 2 weeks from today.

I guess I have my job cut out for me teaching her that I think I am the boss around these parts, how to make snow angels Risa shimmy style and how to stick your face in snow so the humans laugh and take photos of me.

Silly - humans so amused at funny things but we try to accommodate them.

Well Risa says - we have had my daughter and my grand daughter visiting. Nothing like making you feel OLD. We also have the Hot tamale Lola straight from Cuba before she hit Yvonne's house and Flora - a Lola and Oscar pup who we like to think of as a junkyard dog as she adores the bushes two minutes after you brush her. They may be going home tonight or tomorrow night. It surely will be emptier on the bed. It will be interesting to see how the bed placement shifts.

Gidget is also visiting - eating up a storm - snuggling and enjoying her Wasabi. They are really close but she also likes her Katsuro.

Then when we pick up Treasure on the 12th of December, her half brother Rocky will be visiting. How cool is that? Oh and we are also picking up Copper aka Blazin so Holly from Florida can come get him so 2 wee pups in the house for a week and then down to one.

X-ray for the Wasabi was put off till the 19th - going to not be fun waiting but a better time and more accurate then. Wasabi is already getting that rounded belly and sleeping big time. Gorgeous silky, shiny hair. Am hoping that the pups have the same as Coolios is similar.

Oh well, off to a show where its bright lights - lots of competition with just Fiona. We had a rough night with wake ups so when we get back, we may crawl into bed. hehe

Catch you later...

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