Snow Melting Moments

The snow is melting and Rocky seems to love playing with the little ones. Our problem is he is so fast and energetic that its hard to capture him. I keep getting partial shots of him but we will try - try again. His parents are in Costa Rica missing him. But rest assured - he is having a grand time at doggy camp.
Rocky seems to be totally smitten with Abigail. He also loves snow diving on the cover but today - warm rain and snow is fast disappearing as you can see in this photo. It means much brushing.
Gidget, our other visitor will be heading home in 2 days from now and is a total lovee. She sits with me and watches TV while I groom her each night and tends to look at me cross-eyed. I am not so sure that she is happy with this grooming business but we are going gentle and treating and massaging her at the end. That she ADORES.
Holly is coming for Blazin today so tomorrow we will be down to just Treasure. Will life ever be the same?
Oh and Treasure - well she's indeed an alpha - challenging Fiona and sometimes winning. Oh my - are we in trouble or what? Well - it will surely be fun times here.
Off to get a puppy fix and get some shut-eye then work.
More later...
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