Balls of Hair

I think it's called Wrestlemania Havanese Style except I think they manage to be much more exciting? Try it sometime!
The pups are at it again and Blazin's new mom comes tomorrow and he will be off on Tuesday to the warmth of the sun - sniff sniff. We will all miss him. Gidget goes home to her mom on Wednesday and Rocky just started his adventure here and will be hanging out, getting into a ton of fun till Sunday.
Rocky and Gidget are here all managing to enjoy the pups and find play time like none other. It's grand but that wet snow was geting wetter and so were the dogs. So off I go to finish some pages and grom some dogs.
We also got to see another Katsuro and Lola's son - 4 white paws like grandma Risa, small, black and turning steele grey. What a face. The 2 siblings will be hanging out over the holidays here - so will Louis and Benny!
Till tomorrow - unless Nathan has something to post. :-)
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