Casual Brace

Some people don't buy into the stuffiness of showing as you can see in this brace.
Usually people are dressed up - suits/dresses - etc. But not this guy. I have no idea who he was but I laughed and clapped and had to take a photo.
I am not sure he won any prize topless but he sure attracted attention.
At least he wasn't stuffy and hot!
Well, we have Louis and Teddy visiting and they played up a storm as soon as he hit the house.
Teddy makes himself at home immediately. Sorry mom - he really has a grand time.
We also have Marlee and Jazmyn and Jazmyn looked for Nathan - he's her fave next to Treasure but when he wasn't here - I was second best and Marlee slept with me right beside my head. They already figured out the treats at grooming time ESPECIALLY Jazmyn but they have been here before. Oh and I have to get a photo as Marlee leads the crowds with keeping the duck at bay from everyone where Jazmyn is satisfied to snuggle and play and snuggle and play.
Well, we have puppy people coming to visit so have to get off. More tomorrow...
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