Bracebridge Show Group 2

Usually I do not place a post up twice - only on special occasions but had to say congrats, Nathan and Kat and Judge Doug Windsor for recognizing the potential of this duo. Kat got Group 2 today.
We are truly excited. It was worth the wait of letting his hair grow back in after puppies gnawing on him and an unnamed dog chewing off his top knot giving him a Joe Dirt look for too long. But the hair is growing and Nathan is enjoying showing - well most days.
Two points away from making this our 4th championship with those that reside with us full time with Nathan on the lead and me bathing this year and this one was born in our home.
Thanks for letting us brag.
Can't wait till they get home. (I didn't get to see it - sigh but hope to see him in the ring maybe tomorrow). I am waiting for them to arrive so I can bathe Kat yet again...
PS: Fiona - well I lined combed her and have yet to wash. Maybe tomorrow. Sooooooooo unlike me. Lined comb everyone else too... and even combed all the puppies...who are delish!