Tail End Havanese Daze
Sunday, July 19, 2009 at 4:27PM
Darlah Potechin in havanese puppies in toronto, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

It's the Tail end of the day. Mom has been busy washing 2 dogs before they go home - doing my usual grooming of each dog. The Zack and Coco are gone and it's a quieter place around here with just Louis and our usual crew.

Pups are growing - getting cuter by the minute. The weather is lousy but next week heat stroke time - yeah right.

But next week - maybe by Sunday we will take the pups out. Now that will be fun...in the backyard of course but still new environments.

Shhh Treasure thinks she is all that. She told me. ROFL

Shoshi just lies down and sighs...the young whipper snapper - she thinks...

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