Bad Hair Day & Camera
Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 11:23AM
Darlah Potechin in chicadoro fiona at talemaker, havanese puppies toronto, havanese socialization, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

Okay, this day started with Mommy taking a photo of me with Daddy's junkie camera. Daddy has her camera.

Well, it's one of THOSE mornings. Mommy didn't get to my hair yet. Without Daddy around she does one here - one there till she finishes us all.

I like it better as I can leisurely read the newspaper and have my coffee - NOT! Okay, use Mommy's Blackberry to play a Doggie game? You don't buy that?

Okay, okay - Mommy had the pups running around and they thought they could feed from me so Mommy put me up on the chair. This way I can look down at them and I look MUCH bigger than them. heh

Our visitor Fred really knows how to chill out in style.

The human Mommy got the pups back in their x-pen and we all went out to watch her clean up and pull a few weeds.

It's hopeless but maybe after the pups are in their forever home she can finally pull those weeds.

Now she has to clean sheets and all that junk she didn't get to as Daddy may be coming home very late tonight vs. tomorrow.

Will he undo all that night time sleeping coming in during the witching hour? We hope not!

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