Who Me? Couldn't Be

Teaching your dog to 'come' when he is called is the most important lesson you will ever teach them.
When a dog is running loose, he faces many dangers. Cars are the most obvious. Drivers cannot always stop if they see your dog running across the street and a massive metal object coming at high speeds is not going to do well when it impacts with your puppy.
Even the most behaved dawg may see a bird flying by while you have the door open and off and running your dawg may go not thinking about traffic. It's all about the bird.
This is when a loud 'come' could work to distract him from his focus, interrupt his goal and come back to you and safety.
You will be amazed at how small a space a dawg can get through when motivated. We practice, it's better safe than sorry.
Treasure, even though she is the youngest around here has an excellent 'recall'. This photo was taken today after I yelled, Treasure, come! and as you can see, she did. What you can't see is she did it immediately and I have stopped treating her for such but I give her praise, hugs and get way excited when she does come. I want 'come' to always be a fun thing for her.
Here at Talemaker we actually have a gate about 3 feet from the door to offer a separation from the door and the dawgs. This way if that bird flies by when you are answering the door, we have something that gets in the way.
Of course Wasabi can clear any gate in a single bound but it makes them think and gives you time to react.
We often join in on 'Total Recall' seminars held at Whos Walking Who even on those that have been through it before. It is always smart to reinforce and simply spend one on one time having fun with your dawg.
If you can't teach your dawg anything else, consider the important command of 'come'.
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