Happy Havanese New Year

Well, we just got back from having a fab time at our friends Yvonne and Alex. The crew is sitting in their living room sopping wet and they had lots of snow and if I can get a video rendered, you may see then running like the dickens outside having a grand time.
Sassy had her shots so yesterday she was sore but not too bad. She weighed in at 4lbs 6 ounces. Her vet loved her patellas - said wow - really great ones. He thought she was in excellent health and we are glad and he said - oh my this one looks like her mommy - such a beautiful face. That was nice.
We spent a really great time at our friends but one can't sleep with 6 Havanese in a queen size bed. It's way too funny and we had all sorts of issues with technical stuff but hey that calmed down and we watched TV and human daddy snored and Yvonne had to say - ah let's go to bed and Risa was asking for hours already.
Today we tried to render a video but will have to give it a shot here. Till now, you can look at Sassy and her mom out in the backyard at Yvonnes. She soooo adorable in looks and personality - I tell you. Big dogs, little ones - she got her grounding and played in such a short time - it was great to see. Even when Britney (an old Beardie - the leader of the pack at Yvonnes and Alex) was barking she said - what was that and continued on without issue.
I need to eat but wanted to say Sassy did well on the long ride there, the shots, the strange house, the different bed to sleep on and all those doggies to play with. She had a roaring good time and so did the rest of the pack but when we said home, Katsuro got excited then the rest did and they are almost all conked out except Louis, our visitor (who goes home tomorrow - sniff) and Sassy who are playing up a storm. More tomorrow and hopefully a video but too tired tonight to pull it together.
By the way, Sassy has really and I mean really perfected her jumps through snows and her going up and down stairs. Me thinks she's going to be quite the athlete like Wasabi.
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