Daddy Pitches In Grooming

Well Zack and Coco are going with us to Yvonne's and to the vets tomorrow so they got their sprucing up today. They get picked up tomorrow night so I was doing a marathon wash up so daddy pitched in.
Let's see, I washed Zack, Coco, Abigail and Treasure. I brushed Shoshi, Kat and Daddy did Risa and Wasabi. Now I want to go to bed. I am not sure how groomers do it. I HATE grooming but I like the clean dog. Will Zack and Coco need sprucing up when we get back? YEP! But better than the 3.5 hours it took me today to do the duo.
When I get them ready to go home, I line comb them to make sure no knots exist but as we know a little play could change that depending on the dog and how old they are. Wasabi I could brush once a week and she would be more than fine.
Well tomorrow Katsuro gets to stay home with the kids as Yvonne's crew is in heat. I have to get everything ready and daddy has to drive. Who has it easier? ha
Oh and how did Treasure do in class yesterday? AMAZING - stay off lead - come off lead with distractions - leave the treats alone - just give her the instructors treats and she'll do anything. Got to buy some and keep them for only class. Even with missing a class she was on her game. She also has the fastest recovery when something concerns her - which is a good thing.
Going to be interesting to see her in the ring. If she prances like she does in class with a flash of paw - well - wow! I will say one thing - she hates a bath. hahahahaha
More tomorrow!
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