Steamy Havanese Changes

When daddy comes home around this place the dogs rush to see him barking their fools head off so we are training them NOT to. The same goes for the warmth of teh season - that brings mowers, pool people etc in other yards and therefore noises so we are practicing 'no bark'. Sometimes it works - sometimes not but we keep trying and catching the ring leader always and eventually you gain control. It's more difficult when you have many dogs.
Chico is doing well today - falling into our lifestyle. He is even tolerating my grooming him up and even doing better with the liquid meds but I am sure he wil be glad to have that neck thing off. We will also be glad to get daddy back in our room. His stitches look great but it is amazing what he thinks he can do and what he figures solutions to with that thing on. I say good for him. He is absolutely a creative and a solution solving dawg!
The dogs are loving this weather. I am out back trying to wash the walkways/decks etc so we can get the furniture out and semi cleaning the beds. The dogs think that is delightful - ooooh she is raking that junk up so we can nose dive in it.
We are heading back out to hang out - Chico's fave place. I bet you he will love his hikes with us when he is able. Risa likes to manage the crew outside and adores the outside so I need to get everything cleaned up so they can all hang out more and I can have furniture out there so I can drag the computer out there as well. All good things take work - hahahaha
We hear Coco is taking over the bed or Yvonne's body at bedtime and having a roaring grand time. can't wait to see her again.
Hope you are having a great Havanese day. More later.>>
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