Pregnant Pause of the Havanese

Ever wonder how a pregnant Havanese copes with all that extra growing weight? I pay strict attention as I know how it feels. As someone who has gone through it a number of times, I get that - got to get in the right position to feel good enough to sleep.
I am sure many of you humans can relate.
In the late stages of pregnancy - mid June for Wasabi - us humans will go through something called breeder's remorse. The pregnant Havanese start waddling and it's hard to jump up as they usually could but their minds tell them they still can. Wasabi managed to make it last time right up to the end but she wasn't graceful about it.
Since Wasabi's ultrasound, her tummy has been growing and you can feel pups. Actually you could feel it the day of the ultrasound but it is getting more obvious as the days go on.
Closer to the end, I will start tying up her hair everywhere. It won't look glamorous but it will be easier to clean after. I am going to try to line comb each section and wrap it - well I think. Last time I only pony tailed it everywhere. We shall see.
If we have plans to do one thing, mother nature will interfere so maybe it's best to shut my mouth. heh
Well, I have to get the Treasure washed. Then we have guests over later with their Havanese and Bichon. We are watching a Bichon called Hannah and it happens to be the sibling of Hugo who belongs to the family that got Lil Man. Small world.
That will be a picture taking moment in time wit Treasure in there as well. We can't wait. I just hope it doesn't rain. Oh well...
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