Deep Sadness

We had to put down Terra today. She had a fast growing cancer. Originally we had thought that she was having issues with her hips as she had bad hips as she stopped walking for the most part the last couple of days and stopped eating. Goldens never stop eating. Havanese do. A golden is a food hound to the max. She refused steak.
When we arrived at the vet she walked in the door and hadn't been. I had great hope they would put her on Metacam and then that was it. She walked - of course she was fine. But her gums were ashen, her breathing labored. I attributed the breathing to the walk but even after an hour it was labored as she stayed on the floor. Her heart rate was racing. She was very ill and testing revealed she was bleeding out fast. This was a fast spreading cancer as it began to effect her lungs as well. Denial is a wonderful thing I suppose at times but this was so fast - well I am shocked.
Removing the spleen was no longer an option and this happened in days. Removing the spleen can buy you up to 6 months. It is a silent killer in dogs like goldens.
It's a crime as she was an amazing dog - yes with bad hips but she never complained. She loved the pups. Was a gentle soul and never demanded anything but a little love. She played with the Spice pups just last week. She was always a great big dog socializer.
I love all my dogs more than you can ever know. I stayed with her to the end. Nathan cried in the car. We both cried all the way home. We each grieve differently. Poor Dennis is deeply sad. But I will tell you my heart feels like it is broken beyond repair.
Yes, good that it was quick but you are in shock. No time to think. No time to say goodbye truly. I am glad that we do so much with our dogs every single day even when I am sick. I have many memories but for now I am in shock and deeply, deeply sad.
We came home, took out the pups into the grass and clicked and played.
So forgive me if I share a few photos of Terra over the years. It's the ones I could find without searching.
Terra and Shoshi. She played flicking snow games with her and was famous for always getting down to the puppies level to engage them in play.
Panda adored the Terra - well visitors and our own all did. She was a dawg magnet.
Wasabi, Terra and SpiceShe is greatly missed.