
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in terra (12)


Deep Sadness

We had to put down Terra today. She had a fast growing cancer. Originally we had thought that she was having issues with her hips as she had bad hips as she stopped walking for the most part the last couple of days and stopped eating. Goldens never stop eating. Havanese do. A golden is a food hound to the max. She refused steak.

When we arrived at the vet she walked in the door and hadn't been. I had great hope they would put her on Metacam and then that was it. She walked - of course she was fine. But her gums were ashen, her breathing labored. I attributed the breathing to the walk but even after an hour it was labored as she stayed on the floor. Her heart rate was racing. She was very ill and testing revealed she was bleeding out fast. This was a fast spreading cancer as it began to effect her lungs as well. Denial is a wonderful thing I suppose at times but this was so fast - well I am shocked.

Removing the spleen was no longer an option and this happened in days. Removing the spleen can buy you up to 6 months. It is a silent killer in dogs like goldens.

It's a crime as she was an amazing dog - yes with bad hips but she never complained. She loved the pups. Was a gentle soul and never demanded anything but a little love. She played with the Spice pups just last week. She was always a great big dog socializer.

I love all my dogs more than you can ever know. I stayed with her to the end. Nathan cried in the car. We both cried all the way home. We each grieve differently. Poor Dennis is deeply sad. But I will tell you my heart feels like it is broken beyond repair.

Yes, good that it was quick but you are in shock. No time to think. No time to say goodbye truly. I am glad that we do so much with our dogs every single day even when I am sick. I have many memories but for now I am in shock and deeply, deeply sad.

We came home, took out the pups into the grass and clicked and played.

So forgive me if I share a few photos of Terra over the years. It's the ones I could find without searching.

Terra and Shoshi. She played flicking snow games with her and was famous for always getting down to the puppies level to engage them in play.

Panda adored the Terra - well visitors and our own all did. She was a dawg magnet.

Wasabi, Terra and SpiceShe is greatly missed.


Havanese Relationships

Terra seems to be a mighty special dog. She spreads her play with all Havanese. Shoshi and Terra used to be the best of pals and these days its usually Treasure and Terra but on this day, at this moment - Shoshi was that connection and Terra enjoyed it.

She is a mighty special dog.

Ever have your dog bark at a noise or object and don't understand why? Usually it's their alert as they do not know what it is or what it is capable of. It's a fear reaction or 'I am not sure' reaction.

You can use slow conditioning to get them over it.

Treasure had a show recently - her first and got several points for showing well. She's got lots of pretty ribbons - which she would love to chew. Well, when she was getting her photo taken, the photographer made a strange noise to get her attention and she stiffened her body and barked at him. He laughed so hard that she relaxed.

The point is she was mighty comfie at the show but a strange noise in a new place can conjure up a hesitant reaction. That doesn't mean you should avoid such areas but rather expose them in slow doses.


Click to play Abs
The Best of Friends
Abs and Terra are becoming fast friends. Watch this goofy slideshow to see how they are doing.


Talemaker Havanese Secrets

Hey - okay I am no longer the youngest one. I was for a week but now that FI-OH-NO is. I have been teaching her all sorts of fun things like eating wood from in front of the fireplace (human mom and dad spoil the fun though) to eating all sorts of frozen plants in the back. I simply need more frozen things to chew on. Mommy and Daddy clean up the poo and cover the pee spots every single time so we don't even get to sniff. I tell you - they are joining the OCD group of dog care. ROFL! I better hide now or that mommy will brush and comb me. Seeing we are dealing with icy rain, why bother, mom. I just adore getting sopping wet so you can spin your wheels drying dawgs and cleaning us up.

What To Get the Dog That Has Everything?
Okay, I am NOT a Havanese but hey I can be brushed less and so what if I shed. I am big, friendly and a huge sap. I try to play with the little ones and they don't get it but lately that FIONA and ABIGAIL climb up my body and they try to lick my face. What is THAT about? I like these long-haired type but shhh don't tell those humans. I know - they got them ALL for me. But what is this thang about them getting to sleep on the back of the couch or on top of a chair. Huh...what type of equality is that? It doesn't matter that I am slightly larger and I may hang over. Heck, you should see me travelin' in the car where I sit my rump in the seats and hang my paws on the window rest. Can a Havanese do THAT?

More later as we deal with freezing rain, crazy playing outside (which we did), Just imagine us looking as if we are starved when mommy and daddy have Chinese food.

We are missing the Sass and hoping she's having a grand adventure with Coach. Train, train, train today daddy...Miss Abs..and now let's start with Miss Fiona - the Ever-ready battery. Good luck!

More later...


We Are Rich in Havanese

Benny, Katsuro's brother and his Olga came over to visit and so did Gidget's (alias Paris') son Otis with Jackie. As you can see in this photo, Terra, Miss Abs and Katsuro are trying to engage Benny in play. Terra was even doing her famous, put the snout in the snow and throw it with my nose and maybe they will play with me game. It's sort of like a Havanese play bow but done with her nose.

Below and at this link, you can also see Sassy, Gidget and the crew playing up a storm. Gidget is downright fast. Gidget is falling into her usual play, cuddling with me in bed and being a true joy to have around but boy has she really found her play teh last couple of days.

Here's part of the crew hanging out in the kitchen. Otis and Katsuro once were the best of friends. Katsuro was highly excited when he came and there was much one-up-manship but they worked it out and all was right in the world. Katsuro has even managed to crash after having Benny and Otis here. It's nice.

Now that Sassy is off on a holiday with Coach, we are finding the two little ones playing in a way they haven't till now. Fiona is running full speed and jumping on Miss Abs back and she is rolling all over with her. It's a true pleasure to watch. Fiona is not up to keeping up with Miss Abs and Sassy for too long but she does try. Then when they have had enough - you can find her....

Yes, that Fiona crawling up Whitney's back. Both Fiona and the Miss Abs do that often but as you can see on Whitney's face, she more or less is saying - hey - help - what are they doing to me!

Life is never boring in our home with all these Havanese and the fun they bring to your life. They always manage to bring that smile!


Funny Tales of the Havanese Flavour YIKES! Watch For Updates All Day

Something about the snow and your face in it - oh such a joy for a dawg! But watch out - as the days pass by without a snowstorm, they can be rolling in that yellow stuff - YIKES.

We had a shovel that we would pick this stuff up with but get this, the shovel is missing somewhere in the snow piles. Got to love it. So, I am just doing the crazy - taking white snow and covering the yellow and eventually - well we don't want to think about THAT.

Still, from this photo - it LOOKS white but .... Got to do a video of the dawgs and I am afraid you may see yellow in that but cleanup is a regular thing each time we go out with our crew. It should be for you.

Katsuro's brother is coming for a visit today, Benny and then a bit later Jackie and Otis is coming to play. Katsuro is bound to be either - oh no not another boy ROFL or tuckered out or both. Photos as we get them.

More later from the crew...


Stylin' Dawgs - More Added!

Well, this looks like a photo of the 3 stooges of sorts. They were hanging out in the donut together. Yes, it's a mighty large donut.

Daddy got good film of Gidget (our visitor) playing with the crew. Oh my, she can run fast and it's nice to see that play in her. I remember her well as she has visited us many times.

When mom is feeling up to it, she will do a video so you can see what we are up to.

Brain Training
Your dog's mind needs exercise as much as his or her body does. Like humans, animals crave mental stimulation. Easy ways to prevent boredom and keep your pet's mind challenged include taking different walking routes, having a positive playmate, visiting a new park, providing your dog with puzzle balls or toys, playing hide and seek games with bits of kibble, and training your dog to learn new skills or tricks.

Dear old - or is that young thang Fiona is fitting in nicely. She even poses for us now. Take a look at this stance.

More later as the day goes on. Got to get the Sassy Lassy ready for travelin'

Hope it's a dawg filled lovin' day for you!


Talemaker Havanese: Happy Valentine's Day

If you click on this photo (you will see a larger version - my quickie photoshop job - really I am capable of better but it's early), the theme of this is - snow isn't the only thing you need to protect your little ones from but on this Valentine's Day, when chocolate abound, be sure to heed this warning.

If you want to know how to reduce the snowpiles on extra wet snowy days, put on a jacket that covers the under carriage. If you don't, place them in a sink. Have someone else hold them. You pour warm - not hot water on them and brush. The brushing part is important as it will reduce any knots. You will be glad you went the extra mile here.

We, at Talemaker's are going to have a low key day. Sassy is off for an adventure tonight on the long weekend. After she is gone, the dawgs, human mommy and daddy are going candlelight (yes those candles will be out of harm's way) and watching some sappy movie, eating, lovin' and spending time with the furry pack. They make any adversity we face easier -I tell you!

Have a very Happy Valentine's Day and give your fur pals extra hugs. They deserve it even when they drive you C-R-A-Z-Y!


Havanese Friendships Abound

Ah, the play of the Havanese - nothing quite like it. This duo - as the days go by - are becoming the best of pals. I think Miss Abs will enjoy Fiona when she gets a tad bigger even more but still - they manage to mix it up and Hav Joy!

Fiona still loves high places and there is still much jockeying in the bed. I think Fiona moved around the most last night and curls right into the crrok of your neck and fits there - and one wonders how it will be tonight with Gidget.

Miss Wasabi Woo and Risa had the brains in the house. They took over the extra twin bed attached to our king and claimed the entire thing as their own. Now who's the smartest?

We will tell you how it all works out tomorrow. Till then, we are watching Westminister, freezing our ahems off to get the dawgs to do their business then off to bed. More tomorrow...


Talemaker Coach Visit & Snowy Days

Miss Abs & Coach got along fabulously. Coach was more gentle with her than with his canine mom Wasabi. Miss Wasabi Woo was delighted and it's a joy to watch her excitement when seeing the pups. A great time was had by all. Now it's snowing and we are also including the photos of that - snow covered dawgs - such fun! Another grooming day...hehehehe

Snow tends to invigorate the Havanese. Enjoy the slideshow below!


The Trios First Class, Visit to Yvonne's


Havanese Changes

The crew is a bit off today as Sebastian is not here and neither is Coach but they are working it out.

It brings up our observations that whenever there are changes, there is always an adjustment. When we have visitors, the dogs get so excited and then when they go home - they go - now what?

Havanese are a highly sociable dawg. It's not that you can't just have one but 2 play differently with more enthusiasm. It's just a fact.

Now one would say but you have all those dawgs - but puppies bring a high level of enthusiasm to the mix and that's what the crew is missing. We know this is a temporary thing but as we are so in tuned with our dawgs, we watch and digest what is going on. Changes are always a 'good' thing. It helps your dog adjust to life as life is not stagnant.

We suspect by tomorrow, the crew will be back to themselves and Miss Abs will find her own needs met by the adults learning what she can get from which.

On Saturday, we are going to visit Yvonne's crew and stay over with the dawgs this way Miss Abs can really mix it up, deal with another change, have yet another car ride (we are giving her as many as we can) all with the goal to be very balanced so she can deal with anything life throws out at us.

For now, Miss Abs is playing with Nathan, trying to play with the Shosh and Katsuro and even trying to get Terra going. They play but not with enthusiasm. But as we know from experiences in the past, this too will pass and we will be back to crazy Havanese times.

So do, follow our journey.