Funny Tales of the Havanese Flavour YIKES! Watch For Updates All Day
Friday, February 15, 2008 at 9:43AM
Darlah Potechin in Sonrisas Hot N Spicy Wasabi, Talemaker Havanese, chicadoro fiona at talemaker, havanese blog, rockhurst Abigail at talemaker, terra

Something about the snow and your face in it - oh such a joy for a dawg! But watch out - as the days pass by without a snowstorm, they can be rolling in that yellow stuff - YIKES.

We had a shovel that we would pick this stuff up with but get this, the shovel is missing somewhere in the snow piles. Got to love it. So, I am just doing the crazy - taking white snow and covering the yellow and eventually - well we don't want to think about THAT.

Still, from this photo - it LOOKS white but .... Got to do a video of the dawgs and I am afraid you may see yellow in that but cleanup is a regular thing each time we go out with our crew. It should be for you.

Katsuro's brother is coming for a visit today, Benny and then a bit later Jackie and Otis is coming to play. Katsuro is bound to be either - oh no not another boy ROFL or tuckered out or both. Photos as we get them.

More later from the crew...

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