
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese adjustment (7)


Long Havanese Day

Mommy is spending WAY too much time with that new dog we are watching - air drying her, snuggling and taking mats out.

What about me? Oh - I get daddy.

Hey but I slept with the mom last night as we have a dog in what they call heat visiting so we are sleeping in different rooms. Something about that boy dog....geez...

More tomorrow!


Havanese Testing the Space

Well, we are still jockeying for who gets what. The usual spot for Abigail and Fiona is on the back of the couch. After some serious playtime, they need a good brush out and Coach decided the top of the couch was not only for Fiona or Abigail much to the 'Hey it is NOT' that Fiona vocalized.

I have to say, every now and then Fiona needs someone to say - no - I am not following YOUR rules. heh

Then while I was watching 'The Wire' with Dennis, Wasabi decided she was also going to tell Fiona that the top of the couch was hers too. Not a good day for Fiona but she's dealing. Like I said, the pack is still testing the waters - which is quite normal.

Nathan is off walking 2 dogs at once. He walked the Coach first as he always loudly vocalizes that he thinks not being first really isn't fair. Usually that's not the way we handle it but the youngest son needed to sleep so we made the decision to do what we thought would work. It didn't. He decided he wanted every walk. :-) So, off outside we went with the rest of the crew playing yard games and now we are back in.

Usually we find Coach playing with Sebastian and Abs playing with Fiona but every now and then, the whole crew mixes it up bigtime. It's great to see.

Both Coach and Sebastian are incredible snugglers. It's great to have them in bed with us.

But - exercise is a chore for me as every sit-up is seen as an invitation to play. But, I am laughing and I keep trying. Now to figure out how to get them exercising beside me instead of on top of me.

We are going to do training this afternoon, grooming and vegging. Besides - Nathan will have to rest those legs after these marathons. Still, we are lovin this havenese lovefest!


Stimulated Minds

When the weather is muddy, wet and mucky, it's important to stimulate your Havanese's mind. There are all sorts of games you can play, from retrieve to hide the treat to hide and seek & much more.

Here's two of Wasabi's pups - our visitors checking out this ball. This is the weasel ball minus the tail. You push a button and it moves all over the place by itself.

The crew was rather brave considering that I don't think the visitors ever saw one. I remember a few jumping back, looking confused but eventually having fun with it.

These two approached it as if they were going to slay it, pouncing, trying to grab and getting frustrated when it went under the couch and they couldn't fit but Fiona could.

They really enjoyed the game. Try to think of fun games to stimulate your dog's minds when the weather is not good.

More later.>>


The Havanese Tell Secrets

That daddy, letting who know who get on the bed...tsk tsk but we had an early afternoon nap and I had every single dawg on the bed with the exception of Whitney who no longer can do the stairs. That's alright cause anyone who has 19+ old sons in the house knows they don't sleep the same hours we do.

Seeing it's simply a dawg place around here, we are going to let the dawgs talk today. We will let them tell you about THEIR day.

If I didn't think it was a crazy dawg house around here, I do now. They are going to let ME (Gidget) talk first. Shh, they don't know but do I have secrets to tell!

That Katsuro - he thinks he's all that but I have his number! He pees (outside) and I pee right on top of him. Who's the queen biach around this place?

The puppies are confused. They think size somehow tells them the age of a dawg but do they have something to learn. The way they play with me, I swear they think I am a puppy. They even try to duplicate my flirting with Katsuro. Oh, but having had my own pawprint little ones, I have lots of patience and even indugle and engage them in much play. I even have them making a mad dash under the couch - all in fun, you know.

Last night I snuggled up to the female human here and she just snuggled and caressed me with her hand and face all night long off and on. How can a dawg get a decent sleep around this place?

I'm the Shosh and if I have to hear that paw in the light socket story again - I will whine my fool head off.

I used to not have my voice until daddy created a game with the ducks and he taught me that my job now is to alert the pack and I 'get' that but they certainly don't. Why is it okay to bark and tell the pack that ducks are in the pool but not let the pups know my best treat is not up for sharing.

I had a sulking session when mommy made me share with those little ones. Oh, just because Risa's on a diet doesn't mean we all have to get that svelte look.

Risa, you can do it but give me your portion you are missing - will ya? Crazy humans wanting us to be healthy. They need to start with themselves. Shhh...really mommy..I didn't say that but when's the last time I saw you exercising? Tsk, tsk

Okay, it's my turn. Really, I don't mind a house-full of females but you keep inviting boys over so all the girls see what else is out there.

What kind of human parents are you? I mean haven't you taken the class of 'harem 101'?

What - you say you do it so I learn to control myself and gain some manners around all those boys that want my gals? Is this a test?

First you bring Benny my brother over and that was fun and it was too long since the last time he came but then the Oats also came to visit and you know how he feels. He just loves to tease me. But once I 'got' that, I decided the best way to proceed is to play 'top dawg' games back. My heart was racing, my mind was racing and I do adore the Oats but when he went home, I smiled and laid down and went - now Otis - who has the gals now? It's tough competing with such a Don Juan.

I'm the littlest one around here and they expect me to go public with all the secrets around this place? As Jack, Nicholson once said, "You can't handle the truth."

Let's see - they think size matters - and who else climbs up a couch and plops down on the back of the couch? Now who is really top dawg around this place?

They think I shut my eyes to get some needed sleep but I am just resting, thinking and figuring up a new way to create trouble and with my best friend, Abigail - well that's surely is easy. So what if we like eating the wood from the woodpile in front of the fireplace or making a mad dash to jump on the retrievers? Why do those silly humans care what I have in my mouth? It's just a hair ribbon silly. You did put it in Wasabi's hair so I could pull it out, didn't you? come on, find your fun humans!

My big secret is I love to eat and they aren't feeding me enough so I try most anything for food. Here's what I have learned.

1. If you stare at someone long enough, eventually you'll get what you want.

2. Be aware of when to hold your tongue, and when to use it.

3. Leave room in your schedule for a good nap.

Now if you don't know who I am - well I am the Queen Biach around this place. I control EVERYTHING except the food....sigh.

On that note..the rest will have to spill the secrets another day...till later...


We Are Rich in Havanese

Benny, Katsuro's brother and his Olga came over to visit and so did Gidget's (alias Paris') son Otis with Jackie. As you can see in this photo, Terra, Miss Abs and Katsuro are trying to engage Benny in play. Terra was even doing her famous, put the snout in the snow and throw it with my nose and maybe they will play with me game. It's sort of like a Havanese play bow but done with her nose.

Below and at this link, you can also see Sassy, Gidget and the crew playing up a storm. Gidget is downright fast. Gidget is falling into her usual play, cuddling with me in bed and being a true joy to have around but boy has she really found her play teh last couple of days.

Here's part of the crew hanging out in the kitchen. Otis and Katsuro once were the best of friends. Katsuro was highly excited when he came and there was much one-up-manship but they worked it out and all was right in the world. Katsuro has even managed to crash after having Benny and Otis here. It's nice.

Now that Sassy is off on a holiday with Coach, we are finding the two little ones playing in a way they haven't till now. Fiona is running full speed and jumping on Miss Abs back and she is rolling all over with her. It's a true pleasure to watch. Fiona is not up to keeping up with Miss Abs and Sassy for too long but she does try. Then when they have had enough - you can find her....

Yes, that Fiona crawling up Whitney's back. Both Fiona and the Miss Abs do that often but as you can see on Whitney's face, she more or less is saying - hey - help - what are they doing to me!

Life is never boring in our home with all these Havanese and the fun they bring to your life. They always manage to bring that smile!


Nothing Like More Than One Havanese

We have a returning visitor Gidget having a holiday with us and it gave us an opportunity to capture how Havanese play with each other. One Havanese is great - two are amazing and watch out - they are addicting. They make you laugh and realize that there is much laughter in the world if you just flick off the tube and watch the Havanese. My PVR runneth over. Follow the Talemaker Adventures at


Havanese Abigail Adjusting to New Home

Rarely do we get to see an inside look into our dogs going to someone else's home in the formative puppy stage but every now and then we get blessed with someone entrusting us to help their little one be all they are meant to be. Here's a small snippet of Rockhurst Abigail at Talemaker in her first few days finding an effective way to communicate and where she fits in with the pack. Thanks goes to Beth Obrecht for sharing her with us. We now know daily they make strides in fitting in, finding their place and really bringing laughter to your life. What else could you ever ask for... Look for another video of Abigail playing at Yvonne's with pups soon.