New Havanese Haircuts

Well, Daddy decided that Risa needed her hair gone so she could swim every day and get into shape. Between spaying her and not being able to walk her while we had pups, well - she got a tad chunky and she's ever so good at working the house.
So, now Daddy is the only food source treats and all and he's taking her for marathon walks. Next is swimming when the weather cooperates.
As you can see Risa's beard, front hair was left long and her body actually is short but done in layers.
When she stands up, she has some length hanging but not much. This way her hair is thin.
She can get fit and Mommy doesn't have to worry about all those knots. With very thick hair, and shows - well she was getting some when the gal never has before. Oh well, that middle age spread and age thang.
Remember you can click on the photos to see a larger version always.
All the dogs sniffed up Risa as if she was a brand new dog in the pack.
She indeed feels thinner and Audrey (our groomer) says that she will be able to swim without mats. That's good as we are a swimming house here.
Audrey comes to your house and I rather like that. She used to own 'Dogs in the City' and found she can make more $$ this way without the overhead of rent.
Well, then Audrey started in on Shoshi and she was so bad. She just struggled with her on her feet. It seems she really doesn't like them cut so close so she moved and moved and moved.
This is Shoshi on the table in my laundry room just before she was done.
Ignore the mess. I had just finished doing Whitney before she came. Whitney takes so long to wash and dry and oh my that hair that comes out. Retrievers are like that.
Audrey did the haircuts and I hesitated in a big way in cutting Shoshi due to her heavy ticking.
She also brought her grooming arm as she likes hers better and I can see why.
You can't see the ticking as much here due to the angle but boy does she have heavy - all over the place spots.
Take a look at this photo to the right where you can see how bad the ticking really is.
She looks like a spotted....
You don't notice the ticking so much till it is cut short and voila - the distribution is different with each dog.
Some have it throughout and some don't appear to be.
What is ticking? A parti coloured dog (black and white) with this gene will have flecks of colour throughout the white coat, giving it a salt and pepper appearance. Dogs without this gene will have a white that stays crisp and pure. In the canine world, the correct term for this is "Belton"
Not all Havanese have ticking. Actually some other breeds have ticking as well. But if you are interested in colour, check out Suzanne McKay's site.
Take a look at the left to see another view. Look at how heavy it is all up and down her legs. But the gal has straight legs. hahahaha
Well, none of us are perfect but each of us have perfection within. it's different for each and imperfection is true perfection.
As soon as Shoshi got off the table, she rolled and rolled so it was challenging to get good photos of her without her hair sticking up but at least you can see the ticking.
Well, Shoshi's out of here. She has things to do, places to sniff and fun to be had. If the weather holds up, I am sure she will be in the pool. Let the summer fun begin!
More tomorrow....