Class is Almost Done

Next week is the last class of fundamentals and this cutie, Sebastian is doing everything perfect. I believe he is going to get the certificate of most improved.
Miss Abs does everything perfect at home - except down - even with enthusiasm but I think she's going to win the prize of most stubborn in class and we haven't figured out why yet.
She's not spooked by the large dogs. She goes and meets and greets with tail wagging. I think daddy needs to stop feeding her at all that day till class. (hint)
Here you can see Sebastian doing down and Nathan decided that he would do stand seeing she is going to have to learn to stay standing. She did do that but as you noticed from her tail, the gal is not happy. She loves the class - and did great till last week and this.
The moral of this story is often people give up when hit with an obstacle but this is the time you should persist and plug on to get past this point and figure it all out. We have no doubt that she will get back to it and soon she will be joining handling classes and we will see how that goes.
Well, we have a video we need to edit and get up of Sebastian visiting us with his human mom and dad for lunch. We hope this one came out. We shall see.
Mark and Maryanne said...
Am I biased or is Sebastian just gorgeous!!
March 1, 2008 5:06 PM
Nathan & Darlah Potechin said...
Oh, he is a cutie. He's going to make all the gal dawgie's hearts melt.
March 1, 2008 6:32 PM