Top Dawg C-Bass
Wednesday, February 6, 2008 at 4:33PM
Darlah Potechin in Talemaker Havanese, chicadoro fiona at talemaker, rockhurst Abigail at talemaker, talemaker pup sassy lassy, talemaker sebastian

C-Bass is practicing his show stance on top of WHERE? ROFL. Now relax - ohhhhm get rid of that arch (his mom just told me it's a tuft of hair - and looks like it now that I have my glasses on) and you will blow them all away. Mommy was checking what!!! - you say? Now I understand why the hair is sticking up but don't worry about it - you'll get used to it - you may even grow to like it.

You ask - what are they talking about? Well - use your imagination. A dawg never speaks of such things.

Are you practicing stay? If not, maybe the gals - if they get their act together will blow you away in class on Saturday. Can't have a guy dawg thinking he is king - now can we?

The Fiona comes tomorrow and baer tests are getting done. Reports later. Thnx for the photos of C-Bass - we just love them!
Mark and Maryanne said...
It's a tuft of hair standing up, not an arched back! Honest!!!

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