Sassy Takes the Stairs

Sassy is now going up the long staircase from our main floor to our second floor. She stops a few times along the way but seems to be going faster each time. Once she makes it upstairs she heads straight into the ‘puppy’ room where she and her siblings slept for 10 weeks. She plops herself down on a pad inside the x-pen which is now entirely left open, takes stock of her surroundings, then grabs a favourite toy and heads into our bedroom. She then proceeds to run right up the doggy stairs onto the bench that sits at the foot of our bed. From the bench she takes a quick hop and she’s on the bed. She finds this much easier when the other dogs aren’t in her way. Then, she waits for her mom to jump on the bed so that she can jump on her mom. She still hasn’t managed to go back down the stairs but it won’t be long now.
We take her and all the dogs outside probably a dozen times a day. She’s right out there with the rest of them and loving it. Tonight Wasabi was trying to teach Sassy to play run-like-hell with her. It was hysterical. I’m sorry I didn’t tape it when Wasabi would come blowing by Sassy and get her to chase her. Then stop once she did and chase her back, then run by her again at top speed and repeat. She was clearly trying to teach her run-like-hell and Sassy was just as clearly getting it. I LOVE this breed in general and I love these dogs in particular. How can you not?
ps: When I went upstairs Risa just naturally tagged along just in case it was time to go to bed. Oh that gal Risa loves the comfort of the bed and she won't do couches without pillows for her to lay down on.
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