Havanese Bed Shenanigans & New Day

Well, Sassy slept on the bed last night. She was a tad confused on what was what but she's decided human daddy is her security - her thang - she moved around - slept up against Risa and Risa allowed for part of it - wow but realize they do look to one at first and then bond to the others but last night - daddy was it.
We had the usual stuff in bed. I ended up with Shoshi as she was miffed that her spot was taken. The Sassy gal took over but she will get over it. Then Risa did her usual grumpy thang - another on the bed - oh no! Katsuro was on and off the bed snuggling with both of us and Wasabi said forget this and went to the bench at the foot of our bed - its like an extension of the bed but way comfie.
We left our closet light on as we forgot we had given the pups a night light but we were too tired and lazy to get one so the closet light worked.
Today she's not back to her usual but she's better. Human daddy was teaching her retrieve and she's starting to get it. All of you new puppy owners - start NOW as there is a window for easy learning and this is it. Plus those with kids - it's an excellent way to bond. Shoshi is the best retriever in our house and that's due to us teaching her when she was young. It gives her exercise and she adores the game. Your little one will too. Sassy brought it back about 70% of the time and when she didn't, the game ends. They get that if they want to play, you will only play as long as they bring it back.
We also worked on sit but when Sassy is too excited for the treat - well her sit goes out the door so we are reinforcing that by not giving her the treat till she gets it. We find when she is tired, it's much easier to get her to do it immediately and hold it.
I want to start getting motivated to do some videos on the training but taking a break and just enjoying the dogs. Their lives from their usual gets put on hold, to a point when you have puppies as you have to be concerned with exposures for health reasons but as soon as sassy gal gets another shot, we are starting serious walks even if she ends up in our coat as we want to introduce her to our local school, the forest, the trails as we did with Shoshi.
If it warms up - maybe today will be the day for that walk around the block and if its not too icy, I may video tape it. If it's too icy, walking backwards might not be wise to do.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day. More later...on the Talemaker crew.
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