Family, Moments & Havanese

Today we are watching the melt - well the dogs are and Treasure is the very worst of the crew in coming back in next to Fiona. It's as if she says, 'Talk to the Hand' or 'I can't HEAR you!'
Isn't it wonderful when a dog goes supposedly deaf when it has better things to do? Yes, you can use that keyword, 'treat' and they will come running but they should come when they hear their name and not after you say it 3 times either.
But sometimes you aren't as interesting as what is out there so you have to up the ante and use coercion.
It's sort of necessary when your target is soaken wet like this one and hasn't had any formal training - likes running under decks and playing catch me if you can. But you have to admit she looks cute all wet and everything.
How do we get her inside when a call to her name doesn't work? We either have to go get her or use the treat tactic. School will be in as soon as she gets her next shot and the visitors go home. Training in all sorts of ways are in store for her - in a fun way.
If you want a balanced dog - training truly helps and helps them to be the dog you adore but better yet - that others adore.
Reader Comments (1)
oh goodness she is a darling!