
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker zack (5)


How to Get Your Havanese to Swim

Coco is up on the deck in a 'safe' zone wondering what all the noise is about?

She's been in the pool once and decided although she can swim wonderfully - well its not the things she adores.

Zack...well he's another story. I have this feeling it's a 'boy' thing of competition. Zack sees the attention that Kat gets by jumping in so he tries it but only when he is lost in the emotion.

How do you get your dog interested in swimming?

Well it certainly helps if you are excited about it and you make it a game and it also helps if they shot the moon when they do, so to speak. Suddenly, your Havanese will be strutting and doing it again and again if he is into being all that!

Well, Zack just jumped in with his excitement at first but when he calmed down, he decided the stairs was an easier adventure. What is it about jumping in that is so overwhelming to most dogs? I guess the same thing that is scary for humans.

It's simply easier, I imagine.

But does it matter if they jump or walk in? Not to me. The best part is they are enjoying something you are.
Zack goes home on Saturday evening but he's found a new passion. Now let's hope his family likes to swim too or they will have to go on holidays again and drop Coco and him off for yet another adventure!


Turning an Ooops Into Training

Well, Zack fell into the pool not once but twice in excitement so we taught him how to jump in and how to find his way out.

The point is, we turned it into a positive training process and he LOVES the pool. He is an excellent swimmer too. Though Kat went - hmm I WAS the center of attention - as Kat had been in and now I have competition. heh

Any ooops that you have, if you think about it can lead to a training session that ends positive.

How did we do it? We stayed upbeat - positive and then showed him how to get out over and over and then when he wanted to jump in, we showed him how.

We never just let the dogs out so we are not afraid of them falling in accidentally but we will spend the rest of the week showing him that he doesn't go in unless invited.

We will fill you in as that occurs.

Right now Abs and Zack are playing up a storm and after a good brush out - well he is air drying. More tomorrow....


Busy Warm Havanese Day

We started the day going to Home Depot to buy some salt for our pool.

Check out Zack (mostly white dog in the photo - and Coach - his sibling next to him).

Zack came along for the ride and got to socialize with lots of people today. He wasn't quite sure where he was going but he is comfie in the car.

Then our good friends Yvonne and Alex came down with Downsey and Lola and Kat really liked that. The Lola was his gal today and he was smitten.

We then had more friends over to check out the dogs and then yet some more that came over with Coachie and the Sass.

See how much the Sass has changed in this photo.

The crew is dead tired and hanging out and so are we and it's only 6pm. hahahaha

The pool is open. We have an amazing gazebo to sit under and the sun is out.

Tomorrow is Mother's day - and I am hoping all mom's around the world have a Havanese special day...

Kids are coming home tomorrow to help clean up the garden and Yvonne is coming down and Ren's may be in the cards with the Zack for more dog socializing time and well maybe some relax time and then that Monday starts again.

The dogs are really enjoying the warm weather. I wonder if I will get lots of doggie kisses for mom's day. I am hoping!

More tomorrow!


Classroom Havanese Antics

Well here I am - the Fiona going to obedience class last night and my hair right now is all over the place so the human mommy put baby barrettes in my hair. Now she doesn't leave these in the hair when I hang out with the other dogs - only when I am going places as another dog could say - yum what is that and swallow them. So, I get this look if I am off to somewhere alone or I am being watched. I get to be stylin' sometimes. Otherwise it's a small soft band to hold it out of the hair, some invisible gel or whatever strikes that crazy human.

I didn't get to go to class with Coach and Zack last night but I did see Coach at class with his humans John and Cheryl (spelling?) and Zack's new owner Ramona. She's going to be taking Zack through his moves next week in class.

Well, last night was fun. I believe in a little attitude or otherwise I wouldn't be the Fiona. Daddy took me through the moves while mommy distracted me over and over again with talking - hrmmm mommy - you are soooo bad. I know you were doing it cause - well we won't go there but you gave that excuse that it was good slow conditioning getting used to distractions. But I heard that human Mommy say - oh, oh that I may be a disaster in the ring.

I do not know what she is talking about. I am P-E-R-F-E-C-T but it was something about kicking my feet in the same way when I get busy and do my business as I thought daddy was too slow giving me treats. They should have corrected me but something about that made them laugh so hard. Oh, oh - I have THEIR number. Even the instructor couldn't believe such attitude. Well - I am the Fiona and my Grannie is Risa. Plus what's this business of walking on my back legs - well those HUMANS do it. What!@# it won't work in the show ring. Oh, my - such stuffiness with these humans - fun - you got to let it go and just go with the flow. HAHAHA The judge will understand - won't they? Yeah - we are all laughing!

You can click on the photos to see a larger view.

Coach did really amazing in class last night. He was truly listening to his human daddy. Usually he stays so focused on Fiona or Zack that he can't see the point of doing it all but that competitive drive came in last night and he was such a pleaser. It was great to see how wonderful he was doing.

Next week, with Ramona with Zack, we should get Cheryl (spelling?) in with Coach so he knows both are in charge and that human Nathan in with Fiona as he has to go in the show ring with him so mommy gets to take photos and crack jokes - ooops she won't do that again.

Well, Zack is recovering. Read all about it below. The day is just beginning - well for the rest of you and everyone is sleeping but me at 6:46 - even the dawgs!

More later.>>


Havanese Neutering After Snip/Snip

It's the morning after and Zack, who usually stays in bed despite my 4am wake up to do exercising got up today.

He's a funny guy. You can see he is uncomfortable and doesn't want to be somewhere where is is presumed alone. I guess everyone sleeping is not enough when usually it is.

What that means is I go to the kitchen, he does. I guess all medication has now worn off and although not in pain, it is obvious he is uncomfortable and thus his desire to get up and be around someone even if it's to lay on the cool floor beside me. I bet you the cool floor feels good right about now.

Zack is not a needy dog. He is independent most times. He loves to play with kids, the other dogs, you etc and does like to snuggle and kiss if you watch TV - and loves rubs but all and all, he is happy to lay out on a deck in the backyard by himself if none of the other dogs want to go. So, this get up early and lay close means he needs something extra right now. He's sleeping now so maybe me just typing away and the cool floor is what is needed - at this moment before the others wake up and want to play.

Zack's new owner came over and voila who greets her at the door last night - Zack. So much for groggy - not doing well. I guess the pain meds were still working and it did help him sleep the night. I suspect my days in, it will be a thing of the past other than stitches.

He's eating very well as if his throat was cut off from no food for half of a day. Perhaps he will inspire his new pack mate Coco to eat better too.

Zack will be going to live with Fiona's sister. How cool is that? Over time they will become just as tight as ever as pack mates do and their personalities compliment each other. I do hope the new owners take photos or have a video camera as they are in for priceless moments. More later>>