Busy Warm Havanese Day

We started the day going to Home Depot to buy some salt for our pool.
Check out Zack (mostly white dog in the photo - and Coach - his sibling next to him).
Zack came along for the ride and got to socialize with lots of people today. He wasn't quite sure where he was going but he is comfie in the car.
Then our good friends Yvonne and Alex came down with Downsey and Lola and Kat really liked that. The Lola was his gal today and he was smitten.
We then had more friends over to check out the dogs and then yet some more that came over with Coachie and the Sass.
See how much the Sass has changed in this photo.
The crew is dead tired and hanging out and so are we and it's only 6pm. hahahaha
The pool is open. We have an amazing gazebo to sit under and the sun is out.
Tomorrow is Mother's day - and I am hoping all mom's around the world have a Havanese special day...
Kids are coming home tomorrow to help clean up the garden and Yvonne is coming down and Ren's may be in the cards with the Zack for more dog socializing time and well maybe some relax time and then that Monday starts again.
The dogs are really enjoying the warm weather. I wonder if I will get lots of doggie kisses for mom's day. I am hoping!
More tomorrow!
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